Chapter 26

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Finn POV

I awoke in my hospital bed, with Rachel peacefully sleeping beside me. What did I do to deserve her? I will never know but I'm happy that I have her.

I checked my watch it was 3 in the morning. I wonder if Nicola is still awake, I don't feel like sleeping for some reason

I don't want to get out of the bed, it's so cozy with Rachel sleeping beside me.

I got informed that Jesse and Ashley have been arrested, thank fuck! I hated that bitch and  no word in a dictionary could describe the hatred for Jesse

I decided to go and get drink of water from the vending machine. I slowly got up and walked out of the room.

I peeped my head into Nicolas room to find her awake readying an article of me in the newspaper.

"You can't sleep?" I said

She nearly jumped out of her skin

"Nah. Take it you can't either?" She asked folding the newspaper and sitting it beside her

"Nope, can i come in?" I ask

"Of course" she said smiling

"Where's your mum?" I ask

"Oh I told her to go home, she argued with me but I can out argue anyone" she said laughing

"Where's Rachel?" She asked knitting her eyebrows together

"Sleeping in my hospital bed" I answer simply

I could just see Nicolas grin.

"What are you smiling at?" I ask confused

"She really loves you Finn, and I can see you really love her". She says lifting herself up a little

"I'm going to go and get water ok?" I say getting up if the chair

" can I come with you? It's boring as hell in here" she asked

"Can you even walk? You've got a wounded leg and broken ribs." I ask surprised

"They said I need to try, can you give me they crutches please?" She asked, I got the crutches and helped her up.

We made our way to the cafeteria and got the water, when we were coming back she said something to me

"You make Rachel really happy"  she said trying to walk with her crutches

"You too by the way, Rachel hasn't been so happy, she really loves you and your mum" I say

"I'm sorry if I'm getting in the way Finn" she says out of the blue

I'm in shock because she's doing anything but getting in the way. In fact she's bringing me and Rachel together, now more than ever

"Your not Nicola, in fact your bringing me and Rachel together with the love that you have for me and her" I say smiling

"Finn I know that we have only known each other for like 3 days but I really love you, you know that right? It's ok if you don't say it back because we have known each other for such a small amount of time" she said looking down

She really thinks that she's getting in the way but she's not. I feel bad for her because she's actually helping us

"I love you as Rachel's little sister" I say unsure of the answer

"Obviously you dumbass! I love you as a big brother! Nothing more." She says laughing

"No I didn't mean it like th-" I got cut off

" I didn't take it the wrong way Finn! I love you as a friend and a brother!" She says

"You too little sis!" I say as I walk her to her room

"Have a good night finny" she says kissing my cheek

"You too Nic" I say kissing her cheek

I made sure she got settled and then walked back into my room to find Rachel still peacefully sleeping

I looked at my watch again and it read 3:33

I climbed back into bed with her and kissed her forehead before falling asleep

Hey guys what do you think about this chapter! A little bit of fincola in this chapter! Please comment!! I love when you guys comment! So feel free to comment whatever! Love you all 💖💕😘💝❤️

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