Chapter 34

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Rachel POV

I awoke on the couch, snuggling into Finns chest. I looked over Finns shoulder to see Nicola asleep on Finns shoulder.

Finn had his arms wrapped around me and Nicola. I smiled at how cute he is, I'm so lucky to have a man like him in my life. It makes everything better knowing that him and my family are good.

I looked up at the clock, it was 7 am. I loved the new feeling of moving in with Finn, he's so sweet.

I slowly lifted Finns arm add of my waist and walked into the kitchen to make some coffee.

I was normally groggy if I didn't have my morning coffee.

I decided to make some waffles and pancakes for breakfast, since Nicola was staying over. Me and Finn aren't
At work today thank god.

Now that I look back to it Finn and Nicola have an amazing relationship. To be honest I was dreading telling her that i had a crush on Finn Hudson

Nobody believed me when I said that I worked for Finn Hudson. I mean who would?

I heard a morning groggy groan coming from the living room. I've known that groan for too long, it was Finn.

He walked up behind me and kissed my neck. I could feel his warm breath on my neck which sent chills down my spine.

"Morning my baby" he said

"Good morning my sexy" I said kissing his cheek

Nicola was still asleep, she
Was never known for getting up at the crack of dawn.

Whereas me and Finn were because of work but even tho we weren't working we got used to the schedule

I put the pancake mix into the pan whilst watching Finn smile .

"What are you smiling at babe?" I asked flipping the pancake

"Just how peaceful Nicola is. She's been through a lot for her age" he said drinking some coffee that I had poured out for him

"I know, I just can't help but love your relationship" I say looking at him

"Well the moment we met we instantly clicked" he said

"How did you guys meet exactly?" I asked curious giving him his pancakes

"Well when you went missing, I was out looking at the stars when she pooped out behind me.she showed me a picture of you and her and she told me you and her were related. We had tasks to do by Jesse and if we didn't do them you died. Nicola heard a noise and that's when a black hooded figure popped out and kidnapped us bringing me and Nic to you" he said holding my  hand

"Thank you" I said

"For what?" He asked knitting his eyebrows together

"For helping me get out of there, you and Nicola" I said

Me and Finn heard a groan coming from the living room. I laughed when I saw Nicola walk in with messy hair

"Morning sleeping beauty" Finn said kissing her cheek

"Morning mr Hollywood and his assistant" Nicola said, I chuckled

I gave Nicola some waffles and orange juice, she thanked me and we ate in silence.

"So what do you want to do today? Anything in mind?" Finn asked me and Nicola

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