Chapter 13

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Finn POV
After shooting the first few scenes of the movie,we got to go and get coffee. We had to go back but it was good enough. Me and Rachel walked out of the set hand in hand.
There was a near about Starbucks.
As we walked inside, I saw that girl from the interview.

It was just a coincidence that she was here. To my surprise she never noticed me but I definitely noticed her. As we wait in the line Rachel saw me staring at the girl
"What's up babe?" She asked
"That girl from the interview is over in that booth" I said turning my head away from her
"Well as soon as we order we can go" she said placing her hand on my arm

We made our way to the server. "Hiya, can I get 2 iced coffees please" I asked looking at Rachel
"How do you know my order?" She asked stunned
"Rachel baby... you are so easy to read. Plus I'm your boyfriend, I should know your order" I said
The woman handed me the drinks.
Rachel reached into her bag for her purse but I through a hissy fit, telling her to put her purse away

"Rachel I have all the money in the world. I'm sure I can buy you coffee" I said handing her, her drink

"Thank you... its the small things you do that made me fall for you" she said kissing my cheek
As we walked out I heard a voice calling my name
"Finn! Hi!" The woman screamed and made her way over towards us
Just then everyone in the shop came crowding round me and Rachel
"OMG!!! It's Finn Hudson! The actor!!" A woman shouted
They were all taking out their phone and taking pictures of me and Rachel.
Some people asked politely for pictures and autographs and stuff, some people didn't and that's what bothers me so much

I saw a little girl make her way through the crowd and hugged me. She looked as if she was about 5.
She had a teddy bear in her hands and a notebook
"Mr Finn?" She asked looking up to me
I bent down on my knees and looked at her
"Hello there... what can I do for you today?" I asked
"Mr Finn.... I'm sorry to bother you but can you sign this notebook?" She asked politely
It was people like her that I loved. The polite Ines asking for signatures and stuff
"Of course I can! What's your name sweetie?" I asked taking the pen and opening the notebook
Rachel just stared lovingly at this moment
"My name is Sophie" she said shyly
"Ok Sophie... there we go!" I said hand in her the notebook
"Thank you so much! I really loved your film. You are my idol mr Finn! Thank you again." She said hugging me tightly. I felt so emotional at this time. That little girl  had so much manners.
Rachel looked down. I'm sure I could see a tear in her eye.

The little girl wandered off into the crowd to get her mum. Once she got her the mum waved at me and mouthed thank you
It was moments like these that I loved

I stood back up.
"Guys I really would love to stay and get photos and stuff but I need to get back to my studio! Bye!" I shouted as I took Rachel's hand and walked out of Starbucks

"Finn you were amazing with that little girl" she said looking up to me
"That little girl was absolutely amazing for her age. At least she got what she wanted, you know she said I was her idol" I said

"That's how much she loves you, but nobody can love you as much as I do mr Hudson" she said kissing me lips
We walked back into the studio together
Here's another chapter guys. It s a little longer now so yeah... can you guys please comment so that I know what you guys think. Love you all 😘💕💖❤️

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