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A/N: Hello, everyone! I finally finished playing Pokemon Sun, and I loved every minute of it. Since I was a child I've had a special love for Hawaii (and I recently got back from a trip there), so it was only natural that I would be ecstatic about the Alola region and its unique Pokemon. I thought everything was beautifully done.

I also loved the characters and ended the game wanting to learn more about them. I perused the internet for fanfiction to see what was out there. Then I came up with this idea. What if they male and female protagonists were twins and one of them died/disappeared leaving the remaining sibling to become the Alola champion? The female will be the protagonist in this story, but an alternative universe could exist where the male was the survivor.

Anyway, I believe I've come up with a unique take on characters. It will get a little deep and heavy - almost dark - at times, but rest assured that I think I'm incapable of not writing a happy ending. I will follow the events of the game, but the main plot will not be as important. This will be a diary format, so I will summarize many of the events in the game. If you want word for word dialogue, play the game! Let me know what you think of the balance I'll try to strike between summarizing and showing the action.

Finally, there will eventually be some romance in this. I adore Hau and have not seen many stories that feature him, so he will probably be paired with Selene/Moon. Course, I do love Gladion too, so you never know. ^_^

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy this sneak peak prologue!


November 18, 2016

I still see him every time I lay my head down to sleep. I can heard his voice calling out to me for help, but there is nothing I can do to save him. There is never anything I can do to save him. Even in my dreams I cannot change what happened. Elio is gone, and I need to accept that.

It's been four years now. Four years since we were supposed to start our journey together in Kanto. He would choose a Charmander as his starter and I would choose a Squirtle. It seemed to fit. Fire and water. Sun and Moon. But then tragedy had struck, taking him from me. I wanted nothing to do with becoming a Pokemon trainer after that.

As the years passed, the pain lessened but did not fade completely. I decided I had to be strong for my mother and myself. I would get through this pain no matter what. Mom has moved us here to Melemele Island in the Alola region. She thinks the warm air will help me get over the past. I'm sure she remembers how Elio loved this place. We dreamed of traveling here together after we conquered Kanto. Our father took us on a trip here when we were kids before he passed.

I think it is time I finally start my Pokemon journey. Elio would be disappointed in my if I didn't, after all. I'll do it for the both of us. I'll have the adventures he always wanted but can never have. I'll be happy and strong, and no one will ever know the sorrow in my heart. No one knows me in Alola. I have left Kanto behind and everything it represents.

We arrived this morning. There are too many boxes to unpack, so Mom and I will get to that tomorrow. I received a video call from Professor Kukui, my mother's acquaintance. I was surprised when he called me "cousin," but then I remembered Mom said it's part of the culture here. Everyone is part of one big family. I can get on board with that.

Kukui explained the Alola region to me and even showed me his Rockruff and Pikipek. I have to admit, they're pretty cute. The professor took a picture for my trainer passport and then promised to see me soon in person. I hung up, feeling slightly more optimistic about my new life in Alola.

I smiled when Meowth entered my room and rubbed against my leg, and I bent down to stroke his back. Gazing at the cat, I knew I could no longer ignore my love for Pokemon. It was time to start anew. I have no way of knowing what the future will hold, but I know my twin will always be with me in my heart.

Now, who should I choose as my first Pokemon?


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