Chapter 7

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December 17, 2016

I defeated Mia, the third trainer, on Monday. Hau challenged the first three from Tuesday through Thursday, and on Friday we were both ready to face Joseph, the fourth and strongest trainer. I barely managed to defeat his Grimer with my Drifloon, and afterwards, Hau managed a win with his Rowlet.

Kukui and Lillie, who had been watching from the sidelines, cheered along with us. Then Teacher Emily approached with a smile on her face.

"Excellent work, you two," she said. "Now I am curious how you would work as a team, so I'm challenging you both myself!"

"At the same time?" Hau said.

Emily nodded. "Think you can handle it?"

"Of course we can," I said.

"Then choose your Pokémon."

I decided to go with my Litten while Hau chose his Pichu. I had never been part of a tag battle before, but I was open to all new experiences. Emily called out a Magnemite and a Meowth.

I soon discovered that the battle was tougher than I thought it would be. Emily's Pokémon naturally worked together, and Hau and I had to come up with a strategy without saying much. Eventually, our Pokémon got in synch. Sun and Pichu learned to help each other and cover each other's weaknesses. In this way, we were able to win the battle.

"We did it!" Hau exclaimed, jumped up and down.

I grinned and gave him a high five. "That was actually fun."

"Yeah, 'cuz you were battling with me."

I smirked and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, that was it."

"Excellent teamwork!" Emily said. "It's been awhile since I've been so worked up! I'm a bit sad to see you go. Are you sure you don't want to stay in school and take my classes?"

"No way!" Hau said. "We're ready for our first trial!"

Emily chuckled. "Then it's time I dismissed you both from school."

"It's time for your graduation ceremony, oh yeah!" said Kukui. "Follow me!"

He led us outside to the back of the school, where it appeared that a mini party had been set up. There were balloons, games, food, and a cake. Then the rest if our classmates poured out to join us.

"This is just a little something to see you off, woo!" Kukui said.

"Well, then, let's enjoy ourselves, Selene!" Hau said with a grin. "Captain Ilima can wait."

"I – I guess so," I said. I was once again overwhelmed by the generosity of Alolans. I could not imagine something like this happening back home – especially with a newcomer. I truly was blessed to have had the chance to move here.

I did have a good time with my friends and classmates. It was nice to have a break from everything before my trial. Once it was over, I decided I would set out for Verdant Cave the following day. I planned to travel to the motel on Route 2 so I would not waste time. For now, I would spend another night with my mom.

I woke up early the following morning and set out. I did not see Hau anywhere, and I wondered when he would start his day. He said he did not want to travel together because we were supposed to be rivals now. I understood and agreed, but it still felt weird without his presence.

The journey through Route 2 began as peaceful. I did become uneasy when I saw the dark clouds forming ahead. Another thing I appreciated about Alola was the weather. Instead of large storms, there were rain clouds that blasted water on a small area for several minutes and then moved on. However, the signs I saw now reminded me of the grey clouds back in Kanto.

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