Chapter 11

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December 22, 2016

It took me a minute to realize I was on a whole different island when I woke up this morning. I was grateful I was not alone, and I enjoyed a nice breakfast with Lillie before heading out. I had been told the first trial on the island was just past Route 4, so that was where I started.

Route 4 was a winding path that led uphill for the most part. There were plenty of chances for me to train my Pokémon. I had grown pretty hungry by the time I reached Paniola Town. However, I immediately found Hau standing in my way.

"Hey, Selene!" he said, waving energetically at me. "Glad I ran into you... So we can see who's stronger now! We've both got a z-ring, after all."

I chuckled. "Our first battle on Akala Island? Sounds good to me."

"Having a battle in a place like Paniola Town feels like we're in a real old-fashioned Western showdown or something, right? This is so cool!"

Looking around the town, I had to agree. We were in a ranch-style city complete with dirt roads. "Now let's do this!"

Hau nodded. "Come on out, Pikachu!"

I decided to use Valerie against his electric type. The Bagon appeared pumped to be in another battle. Thankfully, this time she as able to win. She was not so lucky against Hau's newly evolved Rowlet, however. I had to call out Sun in order to win that round.

"Ma-a-an, that was some kinda battle!" Hau said. "Our Pokémon all look like they had a blast, too!"

"That's for sure," I said. I'm slowly getting used to the concept of enjoying battled for the sake of it rather than simply winning. Not that I didn't love winning.

"Right then. Here. I'll share my bit of good luck with you, Selene."

He handed me a weird object that I turned over in my hand. "What is it?"

"You know how the Totem Pokémon are all, like, surrounded by some aura of power? If you use a Dire Hit on your Pokémon and manage to land a critical hit, that aura won't mean a thing!"

I smiled and tucked the object into my bag. "Cool. Thanks, Hau."

"You know, Pokémon battles are just, like, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you're only really a loser if you don't have any fun while you're at it, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah... I hope I don't look too serious when I battle. I tend to get really into it."

Hau flashed me a grin. "Nah, you always look great, Selene." And before I could even take in his compliment, he was dashing off again. "Anyway, I'm heading off to Paniola Ranch! See you later!"

I stared at the spot where he just stood. How does he manage to catch me off guard so much and cause me to question everything I thought I knew? It's unnerving yet thrilling at the same time. I'm not sure how much more I can handle. I tried to push him out of my mind as I searched for a place to eat lunch. I was probably just hungry.

After lunch, I continued on my way to Paniola Ranch. I did not get far when someone stopped me, explaining that the captain was nearby. The man led me to one of the fields full of Tauros and Miltank. I recognized Captain Mallow from yesterday, and she waved when she saw me.

"Thanks for stopping by!" she said. "You're Selene, right?"

I nodded. "And you're Captain Mallow? What are you doing at the ranch?" Was this where the trial was held?

"I just stopped by to visit some old friends," she said. "The moomoo milk from Paniola Ranch is the best. It's so rich and creamy when you use it in white sauce and other things... Mmm! The taste can't even be described!"

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