Chapter 19

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January 7, 2017

I spent Thursday morning training with my Pokémon. I made special care that my new Tirtuouga felt safe and welcome with the rest of us. So far, Crunch appeared easy going and quick to learn. I took a break for lunch, and then I started for the library to meet up with Lillie.

The library was situated in the far end of the city, and I could see my friend standing outside as I neared I smiled and gave her a small wave. "Hi, Lillie. Did you find this place okay?"

Lillie gave me a soft smile and shook her head. "No, I ended up getting lost, yet again. I wandered around completely lost until I ducked into the apparel shop. And then I saw this outfit, and they said it was the last one they had in stock, so I bought it even though I don't think I'd ever have the guts to wear an outfit like it. But the woman working at the store did tell me where to find the library! So, I guess you could say it was all for the best. Though the library was actually right past the apparel store, if I'd just kept going..."

I chuckled. "You would have eventually found it. You need to have more confidence in yourself, Lillie."

"I - I guess so." Suddenly, a Mudsdale ran up to us, causing Lillie to jump and cry out in alarm. She calmed down when the Pokémon's trainer approached.

Hapu stroked Mudsdale's mane and smiled at me. "Been a while, friend. Looks like your island challenge is coming along favorably. That must be pleasing to the tapu." She glanced at Lillie. "So, Selene, who might this be?"

Lillie straightened up. "Oh! Hello. My name is Lillie."

"This is Hapu," I said. "We met on Akala Island."

Hapu nodded. "My apologies if Mudsdale spooked you just now. Doesn't seem like you're a trial-goer. What are you up to?"

"Oh, I'm actually, um, studying the tapu's ruins for...various reasons of my own," said Lillie.

"Well, that's some fine initiative. I'd be happy to show you the way whenever you'd like to go. My Mudsdale here is as sturdy as all get-out. She can easily carry two."

Lillie politely bowed to her. "Thank you for your offer." She turned to me. "Shall we check out Malie Library first though, since we're here?"

I nodded. "Good idea." I followed her into the library. There were two floors, and both were filled with books. I enjoyed reading, and I was tempted to sit down and enjoy myself. However, I was here for a mission.

"The book that I'm looking for is a very old one," Lillie said. "It's a book that contains old myths and legends that Professor Burnet told me about. Those tales seem to suggest that Alola's Legendary Pokémon came from another world."

That did sound interesting. We split up to search for the book. I quickly discovered the books were organized according to topic. The first floor seemed to focus on Pokémon trainers and battles, so I decided to search the second floor. Lillie soon joined me, but neither of us had much luck. I wondered if there was a computer or librarian that could help us out.

"It must be a very valuable book, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to take it out of the library," Lillie said.

"Is this what you're looking for, princess?"

We turned to see a girl holding an old, worn book, which she held out to Lillie.

"Give it a read!" she said.

Lillie took the book, relief washing over her face. She confirmed that this was the book she had been looking for. She sat down at the table and opened the book to read it out loud. The book talked about a beast that appeared from another world and defeated the island guardians. The beast of the sun and moon combined to bring new life.

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