Chapter 26

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A/N: Selene's team: Michio, Yuki, Sun, Melody, Twitters, Kaipo

January 19, 2017

We found Hapu's house at the beginning of Ancient Poni path. We immediately ran into Mudsdale, and I was pleased to see that Lillie acted friendly towards the Pokémon instead of fearful. She really had come a long way. And behind Mudsdale came Hapu.

"Been awhile, Selene," she said to me. "I see you brought Lillie along too. And who is this young man?" She looked Gladion up and down.

"This is my brother, Gladion," Lillie replied.

Hapu offered him a smile. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Hapu. Is there something I can do for you three?"

"We need to see the kahuna," Gladion said. "Do you know who it is?"

"The kahuna?" Hapu frowned. "Don't have one here on Poni."

"What?!" Lillie exclaimed.

"How can you not have a kahuna?" Gladion grumbled.

"The last kahuna was my grandfather," Hapu said somberly. "A few years ago, he... passed away."

"I'm sorry," I said. I imagined this was a hard time for her. It was never easy to lose someone.

She shrugged. "It's fine. Our guardian is in process of choosing a new kahuna."

"But what do we do in the meantime?" Lillie said.

Hapu appeared thoughtful. "Hmph... Well, I suppose the time might be right now... I already finished up my battle against that odd little thing that appeared out of the sky..." She snapped her fingers and nodded at us. "You three: meet me at the ruins in a half hour. Feel free to relax at my house while you wait."

"We don't have time to play around," Gladion snapped.

Hapu gave him a sharp look. "I won't be wasting anyone's time."

"We'll meet you there," Lillie said. "Thank you, Hapu."

Hapu nodded. Then she set out on her way with Mudsdale.

We started for the house but were stopped by an elderly woman. Lillie jumped in fright from nearly running into her. "S-Sorry!" she said. "I don't think we've been introduced."

The woman chuckled. "I'm Hapu's old gran. Are you two friends with my girl?"

"Yes, we are," I said.

"Ho ho ho! So, she has friends now!" She smiled. "Traveling around the islands... making new friends... You kids are luckier than you know. If you want to head for the Poni Island ruins, how about a bit of help from this old gran? Here. Hand over your ride pager a moment."

I did as she said and watched her fiddle with the device. She seemed a bit eccentric but nice. Like Hapu. She ended up registering Machamp to my ride pager.

"You'll need to move some big obstacles to make it down the path that you three hope to travel," she said. "I wish you all a bright future. My Hapu was heading for the Ruins of Hope, wasn't she? Go after her. First, you'll come to Poni Breaker Coast. You'll know it by the soil - it's black as pitch. Go through there, and you'll find the ruins."

"Thank you very much, ma'am!" Lillie said. "You have been a great help!"

After resting for a few more minutes, we set off on our way. Gladion wanted to get going, and I figured we could walk slow to take in the sights. And Poni Breaker Coast certainly is black. I imagine this is because of hardened lava from the volcano. Alola sure is a different place!

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