Chapter 13

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December 27, 2016

Melody traveled outside her Pokeball once again as Hau and I returned to Brooklet Hill. This time, we were successful in all battles we came across. This journey was much more relaxing than the last. We arrived at the Pokémon Center near the trial site that afternoon. Hau insisted I put my practice to good use and take the trial first. After he wished me good luck, I set out on my own.

I made it to the bridge but could not cross because a girl blue hair and blue eyes stood in my way. "Hello," she said. "I'm Lana. I serve as the captain of Brooklet Hill. You look like an able-bodied trainer. Could I ask for your help with something?"

"Sure!" I said. Maybe this was part of the trial? Either way, it was not like I had anything else to do.

"Then follow me. This way, please."

She led me across the bridge onto Brooklet Hill. We walked for several minutes down the hill in silence. Finally, we reached a large pond. The water appeared tranquil except for some splashing in the middle.

Lana pointed to the splashing. "See? Do you see that there? Look at that vigorous splashing! I wouldn't be surprised to find a fearsome Pokémon is the one causing it all... So, brave trial-goer, I would like to ask you to investigate that splashing there and find out what exactly is causing it. I won't ask you to swim out there, of course. I have a lovely gift for you instead. Can I see your ride pager?"

I tried my best to stay calm as I handed her the pager. This had to be part of the trial. There was no way around it. But what would I do if it was a fearsome Pokémon causing the splashing?

"Lapras was registered to your ride pager!" Lana said. "If you climb atop Lapras there, you will be able to travel over bodies of water."

"Oh, really?" I was glad Hau had made me practice this already!

Lana nodded. "That's right. You'll even be able to reach those splashes and see what is going on there. I simply can't suppress the curiosity welling up within me. That's why I would appreciate it if you would investigate those splashes in the water."

"O-Okay." Why couldn't she do it herself? This had to be some sort of test. Well, I had done all that training, and I had to pass! I used the ride pager to call a Lapras over to me. I stared into the calm eyes of the creature before taking a deep breath and climbing onto her back. I held on tightly to suppress my shaking. "T-To the splashing!"

My heart lurched when the Lapras moved forward. Thankfully, she kept up a good pace. She stopped right before the splashing sight, and I leaned forward slightly to get a better look. I nearly leapt out of my skin when something jumped at me from the water. Rotom told me it was a Wishiwashi! "K-Kaipo." My hand shook as I found my Fomantis' Pokeball. "Use Razor Leaf!"

Kaipo's grass type attacks managed to push the Wishiwashi back in the water, where it did not disturb us again. I let out a breath of relief and returned to shore. I hoped Lana did not notice my legs or voice shaking as I explained the source of the splashing.

"Oh my," she said. "So, it was Wishiwashi kicking up all that water? Even a little Wishiwashi can make such big waves." She paused when the sound of loud splashing ran throughout the area. "Oh me. What is that? I can hear wild splashing from over there." She pointed to another pond further down the hill. "It sounds even larger than what we just saw. Is it a Pokémon? Is it a person? I suppose we had better go check."

I held in a groan and followed her down the path. It was probably another Pokémon making the splashing, but I didn't say anything. I did not know what would happen if I questioned a trial captain, after all. We stopped in front of the second pond and gazed out at the water.

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