Chapter 28

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A/N: Selene's Team: Sun, Michio, Yuki, Zygarde, Valerie, Luana

January 21, 2017

Dawn came too quickly. Or pre-dawn, I should say. It was still dark when Hapu woke me, but I could see a tiny stream of light on the horizon. I quickly got up and stretched my aching limbs. Lillie and Gladion were already awake. It took a minute for us to assemble at the base of the stairs that led to the Altar of the Sunne.

Hapu broke the silence: "Have you decided who will blow the flutes?"

"Selene and Lillie should do it," Gladion said before anyone else could respond.

I looked at him in surprise. "But we're going to rescue your mother. Shouldn't it be you and Lillie?"

Gladion shook his head. "You have been helping Lillie this whole journey, not me. If this is successful I will still join you, but it seems fitting that you too should make it happen."

"I agree," Lillie said. "Please play with me, Selene."

How could I say no to the both of them? I smiled at Lillie, feeling grateful for her friendship. "Alright. I accept."

"Then it's settled," said Hapu. "Gladion, go with them to observe. I'll stay down here and keep watch... just in case."

"Let's go!" Lillie said.

The three of us ascended the steps of the altar, which was taller than it looks. I was nearly out of breath by the time I reached the top. I took a minute to recuperate and then faced my friends.

"I can feel the strong power of the sun," Lillie said. She opened her bag and gently pulled out the motionless Cosmog. "Nebby... I'm going to make my mother wake up and see reason before I send you back to your old world! I'm going to make her hear me. I'm going to tell her how I feel. Even if I'm not a trainer, I can still do that much!"

"That's all you need to do," Gladion said. "We'll tell her together."

Lillie smiled and retrieved her flute. "The Moon Flute... It feels like it was made to fit my hand. I think I can play it." She examined the altar. Two circles were engraved on either side. "We should stand opposite of each other up there." She started for the left, so I made my way over to the right.

I stood on the altar and gaze out at the horizon. The sun was just beginning to rise. I felt an odd tingling of excitement make its way through my body. Somehow, I knew this had to work. I brought the Sun Flute to my lips. Then, at the same time as Lillie, I played. I never considered myself very musical, but the sound my instrument emitted had an upbeat, flowing melody. The golden and yellow hues of the riding sun presented the perfect backdrop.

Glowing blue energy shot up from the middle of the altar, and Nebby rose to collide with it. I sensed a powerful magic but did not stop playing. The light surrounded Nebby and grew brighter. Then a load roar pierced the morning.

The energy subsided and the light that obscured Nebby faded. Lillie and I removed our flutes and exchanged a look of shock. Cosmog was gone, and in its place was a huge white lion Pokémon.

"Nebby!" Lillie cried, and she raced towards the Pokémon. After another roar, the Pokémon lowered its head and let the girl hug it. "Th-thank goodness you're all right. Please don't ever do that again! You made me worry so much. And I never imagined that sounding the flutes would give you so much power... or let you evolve into the legendary Pokémon!"

Cosmog had been the legendary Pokémon all along? Unbelievable! I jogged over to join them. "Hey, Nebby," I said with a smile. The Pokémon roared in response.

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