Chapter 16

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January 1, 2017

I felt much better after taking a break, and I was sure my Pokémon did as well. I waited enough time that I thought Hau had to have completed the trial. Then I set out for Lush Jungle myself. I easily spotted the trial gates near the Pokémon Center and entered.

Mallow waved at me when she saw me. "Welcome to Lush Jungle, the trial grounds for me, Mallow!"

I gave her a small smile. "Thanks."

"I knew it the first time I saw you and your team: You've chosen only the finest ingredients! That's why I'm gonna make you help me - er, no! I mean, that's why you should try my trial! You are the one who got a Sparkling Stone straight from Tapu Koko, aren't you? You're so totally ready for this!"

I blinked. "Okay." I would help her with something? I was getting the feeling that some of these trial captains just wanted someone to do their work for them. Oh well. It was still a trial.

Mallow smiled. "Ah, the breath of the jungle. I can tell just what today's special should be... Yup! It's gotta be my personal specialty: the Mallow Special! I'm gonna need you to find four ingredients for me! I'll need a Mago Berry, a Tiny Mushroom, a Revival Herb, and a Miracle Seed."

I nodded. Seemed simply enough. I grabbed the forage bag she gave me and called Stoutland to help me search. With this ride Pokémon, I was able to easily find all of the ingredients. Of course, I had to battle the Pokémon who tried to stop me. Mander and Twitters did all the work, and after the last battle, Twitters started to glow!

Twitters grew in size, and when the light faded, he showed off his new form: a Toucannon. I grinned at the large bird. "Congratulations, Twitters! You'll get a lot more done now!" The flying type let out a loud call in response. I returned him and then walked back to the entrance of the jungle where Mallow waited for me.

Mallow accepted the ingredients. Then Lana and Kiawe appeared with ingredients of their own. "You're up next, Selene!" Mallow said. "We're going to cook up a storm and lure out the Totem Pokémon of Lush Jungle!"

Ah, so that was the plan. Mallow placed all of the ingredients into the rocky helmet. I grabbed the rare bone and thick club and started to pound the items to a pulp. It was a lot of hard work, actually. My arms ached by the time the concoction reached a gooey consistency.

I stepped back and waited. It did not take long for the Totem Pokémon to charge forward and devour some of the food. Then it turned to me and prepared to battle. The Pokémon was a Lurantis, and its skin was quite a pretty pink. I was sure it was strong as well, so I first called out Mander.

The Salandit had already battled that day, but he still put in a good effort. Next, I called in Sun. Working together, he was able to use his new z-move, draining Totem Lurantis of most of her energy. One more good fire move did her in. Sun purred as he rubbed against me.

"Wow, Selene you're strong, huh!" Mallow said. "You were really able to draw out the flavor of your Pokémon in that battle. The Totem Pokémon bowed right down to you!"

"Yes, even back at Wela Volcano Park my vaunted Salazzle didn't stand a chance," Kiawe said.

"Nor did the Wishiwashi that I had trained so carefully," said Lana.

That's right; I had defeated all three trials on Akala Island. I could take my grand trial now! Mallow handed me a grassium z and showed me how to use it. I carefully placed it with the others.

Mallow glanced down at the bowl of food remaining. "Hm? Looks like Lurantis didn't finish all the food. Oooh, I really want you guys to try some! Have a bite, Kiawe! You, too, Lana!"

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