Chapter 3

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A/N: Thank you for reading, everyone! I hope I'm getting better as I go along. I see I still need to find that balance between summarizing and having everything play out. I started with the first and have ended up on the other extreme now. I'll continue to work on it. For sure I need to keep my tenses in mind.

In regards to how realistic it is that Selene remembers everything when she journals, I'll say two things. I have in mind for her a personality type that is very good at remembering details throughout the day, especially in regards to people. So I think it is plausible for her to write out dialogue. Plus, many first person novels are supposed to be the protagonist remembering events and they put in a lot of detail! I'll try to be a bit more careful, but it would get too boring if I made this like a literal journal.

Anyway, I appreciate any comments you have about how I'm doing. Please be patient with me. This is the first time I've written something like this. Hopefully it will get better once all the introductory scenes are completed!


November 21, 2016

I managed to wake up at eight this morning, and I actually felt rested. I had just finished breakfast when the doorbell rang. My mom assumed it was Kukui while I answered the door. I stepped outside to see Lilli standing there.

"Alola, Lillie," I said.

"Oh, Alola, Selene," said Lillie. "Um... The professor said: 'Hey there, Lillie! Bring me that great new Trainer. Woo!'" She made her voice sound deep just like Kukui's, making me chuckle.

"He did? Alright then."

"So I'm here to show you the way to his Pokémon lab, if you'll come with me. It's, um... It's this way."

"Selene!" my mom said from the door. "Here. A Little pocket money for you. Don't go wasting it on anything too silly!" She handed me a wad of money and then turned to Lillie with a bright smile. Oh! Well done, Selene. You're already making friends, aren't you? And what a cute little friend you've found!"

I rolled my eyes. "Mom!" I could only imagine what my mom would say if Lillie were a boy.

"I knew Alola would be a great place for us. We just keep meeting wonderful people here!"

"M-Me?" Lillie said, clearly flustered. "Well, thank you. My name is Lillie. It's very nice to meet you."

Mom turned to me. "Looks like it's finally your time to shine, sweetie! Enjoy yourself out there with Sun, and don't be gone too long!" With that, she returned to the house.

"You have a very nice mother, don't you?" said Lillie.

I shrugged. "I guess so."

"We should get going. I'll show you to the Pokémon Research Lab." She led my down a path to the left. "You can only reach the professor's lab by treading through the tall grass here. He says he can research moves better when he is so surrounded by Pokémon."

"Makes sense to me." My eyes fell on her duffle bag, and my curiosity got the best of me. "Is Nebby in there?"

"Y-Yes," Lillie said, sending me a nervous smile.

"Don't take this the wrong way – I was happy to save him the other day, but if you're his trainer, couldn't you call out an attack?"

"I – I'm not really his trainer. Nebby is just a friend." She bit her lip and glanced at the ground. A few seconds later, she looked at me with renewed determination in her eyes. "I think I can trust you, so I'll tell you about him. He-his real name is Cosmog. Cosmog seems to be a very rare Pokémon. It came from far, far away."

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