Chapter 15

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December 31, 2016

I am writing my journal entry in the morning for reasons I will explain later.

So, yesterday I spent a good chunk of the morning searching for a Stufful. After a couple of hours, I tired of this and focused on training in the field, hoping a Stufful would stop by. Soon, lunchtime arrived, and I set out food for myself and my Pokémon. That's when I saw it.

A small, pink and brown Pokémon cautiously made its way over to my group. I put my finger to my lip to quiet my own Pokémon. We were all perfectly still as the Stufful reached out a paw and swiped a piece of Pokémon food. He devoured the food, and his face lit up.

I smiled. "You like that, huh?" The Stufful nodded. "I'll give you some more if you battle me."

The Stufful seemed to consider the offer. After a moment, he jumped back and growled, his hackles raised.

I grinned. "Great! Valerie, let's go!"

The Bagon attacked first, hitting the Stufful with an Ember attack. The little bear was quite ferocious for looking so cute. I hoped he would fight hard for me as well as make a nice companion. Finally, when he was weakened enough, I threw a Great Ball at him - I would not be taking any chances here.

It felt like all the tension left my body when the ball became steady. I had finally caught a Stufful! "Good job, Valerie," I said, rubbing her head as I walked past her to fetch the Great Ball. I picked up the shrunken ball and smiled at it. "You'll be 'Cuddles,' of course. I'm sorry it might be awhile before we can see each other again." I was tempted to return to the Pokémon Center now to trade for the Stufful, but I knew I needed my current team for the next trial.

We quickly finished up lunch, and then I returned everyone to their Pokeballs. I headed back down Route 8 so I could fulfill the job I had been given. The Aether worker was happy to see the information I had on Stufful. She paid me quite a bit of money too. I thanked her and headed back out.

I had not gotten far when I was stopped by someone else wearing a lab coat. He introduced himself as Colress from the Aether Foundation. I did not understand why he was interested in me, but I could not complain about the fire TM he gave me.

Finally, my journey resumed. I took my time traveling along Route 8. The ocean to the right was a nice touch, and I was high enough that the water did not bother me. I stopped many times to battle wild Pokémon or trainers. Eventually, I felt like Sun and Mander had down their fire z-move. We were ready for Mallow!

The sun was starting to set by the time I reached the Roadside Motel on the edge of the forest. I peered down at the path ahead of me to see if I could catch sight of the Pokémon Center. My map told me it would take at least a half hour to get there. I decided to take my chances with the motel.

Unfortunately, the motel was booked. The lady at the counter also told me a Team Skull member was currently staying at the motel and had been for two years. I silently debated taking on the Team Skull member and snagging his room. Instead, I chose to camp out in the woods. One night in nature would not hurt me. It was what I would be doing if I were on my journey in Kanto, after all.

I settled on a spacious area surrounded by trees. Then my Pokémon and I enjoyed a quick dinner. I started to return everyone to their Pokeballs, but Michio knocked his ball out of my hand and nuzzled me instead.

I chuckled as I hugged the Eevee. "You want to stay out for a bit?" He yipped in response. He was technically still a baby Pokémon, so I decided to comply.

I opened my bag and pulled out a blanket. It was small, but it would have to work. Thankfully, even Alolan nights are warm and humid. I spread the blanket on the ground and smiled when Michio started roll around on it.

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