Chapter 17

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January 3, 2017

Yesterday morning, I got up early and headed straight for Diglett's Tunnel. The Kanto region also had a famous tunnel dug by Diglett. I have never had a chance to check it out, but next time I visit home it would be fun to explore it and compare the two.

Anyway, I had not gone far when I ran across Kahuna Oliva herself. She congratulated me on completing all three trials on the island and invited me to meet her at her shop in Konikoni City, which lay at the end of the tunnel. Apparently, finding my way out of the tunnel was some sort of test. There were many wild Diglett that attacked trainers, especially recently.

Once Olivia took her leave, I began my march through the tunnel. Sure enough, I had the opportunity for plenty of battle practice. I ran across a couple of Aether Foundation workers who explained that Team Skull was to blame for angering the Diglett, but Olivia has helped calm them down. Just thinking about Team Skull made my blood boil. Just who did they think they were anyway?

Unfortunately, a couple of grunts still lingered in the cave. They stood by the exit, blocking the way. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Ahh, no way," one of the grunts said to the other. "Just when things were startin' to heat up, yo, I got surrounded by Diglett and beat up, yo! Yo, since when can Diglett use Beat Up?!"

"I'm so mad that now I want to beat up on some fools," said the second grunt. She shot me a glare. "Don't be mad 'cause you were the fool who was dumb enough to be here right now."

I sighed and shook my head. "You guys will never learn."

"Selene!" Hau's voice echoed throughout the tunnels as he ran. He skidded to a stop beside me. "Aue! I was wondering who you were playing around with without me, and it's Team Skull!"

"You want some?" said the first grunt. "That's how we say hello! Nice knowing you, punks!"

"Yo, step off!" said the second. "Enough with the beating up, yo!"

"We may not be trying to take over the world or nothing, but we're still hard as bone out here!"

"See you on the flip side!"

I rolled my eyes. "You won't mind a double battle then?" I glanced at Hau, and he nodded.

This time, the grunts battled with a Salandit and Fomantis. Admittedly, they were tougher opponents than in the past. Still, Hau and I used teamwork to beat them with his Pikachu and my Psyduck. The grunts were left sputtering once again, causing me to laugh. Maybe I didn't mind running into them so much after all. They were kind of amusing.

Hau grinned at me. "Man, Selene, when I fight with you... It's like even my Pokémon feel more at ease!"

I looked at him in surprise. "R-Really?"

"Of course! You really are some kind of trainer. Now I'm gonna go have some more fun with those Diglett! See ya!" He waved before dashing off down a tunnel.

I was left standing there with a funny feeling in my chest. It sounded like I already did have an influence on him. His directness was both helpful and annoying. I did not know how seriously I could take him and what he actually meant.

I shook my head to clear such thoughts. I had a battle to focus on! I marched out of the tunnel, shielding my face from the bright light of the sun. Then my stomach growled. It looked like the battle would have to wait.

I pulled off on the side of Route 9 to enjoy a quick lunch with my Pokémon. Then I was back on the road. It did not take long before a city came into view. I took several minutes looking around at everything. There were plenty of shops and even some outside vendors selling products. I did not have time to check it all out at the moment, but I promised myself I would return.

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