Chapter 20

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January 9, 2017

I woke up early yesterday morning to get a head start on the day. I decided to switch out some of my Pokémon so I would have the opportunity to train some others. I traded Mander, Helium, and Michio for Melody, Twitters, and Valerie. Then I explored Malie City one last time.

I came across five trainers on the bridge in Malie Garden. They gave me a big nugget for beating all of them. The last trainer complimented my battling skills and then asked me to join Team Rocket. I found myself alarmed since Team Rocket used to be an evil organization in Kanto. I thought they had disbanded, and thankfully, after I beat the trainer, he confessed that they were just wannabes. I was able to leave in peace.

Next, I set out for Route 11. It was a relatively short route with plenty of grass in which to train my Pokémon. When I reached Route 12, however, I realized I was in for a different story. Rough, rocky terrain spread out before me, and I remembered that this island was more mountainous than the others.

Luckily, Hapu arrived just in time to register Mudsdale to my ride pager. I could then call a Mudsdale to help me across the rocky path. This leg of the journey certainly proved interesting, and I had a good time meeting all types of rock Pokémon.

The sun started to set by the time I reached the end of the route. I thanked Mudsdale and let her wander back home. Now I had three options in front of me: Secluded Shore, Blush Mountain, and Route 13. I needed to find a place to rest for the night, so I figured the power plant on top of Blush Mountain would be my best bet.

It was a long, arduous climb up the hill, but I finally made it. Fortunately, there was a small cafe where I could eat with my Pokémon. Plus, one of the workers said I could crash in their guest room. I would not have to sleep in the wilderness that night!

Before I headed off to bed, I decided to search for wild Pokémon. To my great pleasure, I was able to find and capture a Charjabug, naming him Zippo. I normally do not care for bug Pokémon, but this one is really cool! I went to bed that feeling pleased with my progress that day.

I checked out the beach first thing this morning after descending the hill. It was a nice little beach full of neat treasures. My Pokémon and I had some fun relaxing there for a little while. When we were through, I started along Route 13.

I wondered how long it would take to get to Tapu Village. This route was less rocky but longer than Route 12. Soon, I reached an oasis of sorts. There was a pond in the center of a clearing, and a motel and trailers lined the edges. I had just taken it all in when I heard someone towards me.

"Selene!" Hau skidded to a halt in front of me with his usual grin. "I heard the news from Sophocles! You helped him out with testing da kine, yeah? That totem-calling machine or whatever? I guess I was test subject number two! But I managed to get through the trial. Maybe even managed to get a bit stronger, eh?"

I chuckled lightly. "Hopefully."

"You only have one volume, don't you? Haven't you ever heard the expression that silence is golden?"

Hau jumped in alarm. "Gah! He's back!"

I turned to see Gladion standing in front of the motel with his normal scowl on his face. I shrugged in response to his comment. "You get used to it."

Gladion ignored this and walked right up to us. "Listen, Team Skull is looking for a Pokémon called Cosmog. Do you two know anything?"

Hau cast me a worried look. "What?! N-not that we'd tell you!" Rolling my eyes, I roughly hit him in the side with my elbow. "Ow!"

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