Chapter 4

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November 28, 2016

I'm sorry I've been neglecting this journal. Since I've been in school, the days have been so similar that all of my entries would be rather short. I've decided to wait until I have something exciting to write about. Like today. But first let's catch up.

I've attended school for a week now. It's actually not that bad. The lessons are interactive and include plenty of chances to battle. Lunch is at 11:30. There is a small cafeteria or we can bring our own food. I enjoy trying new Alolan food every day. When 2 o'clock hits, we're free to go.

I usually end up exploring Haua'oli City with Lillie and/or Hau. I've become quite fond of Lillie. She is quiet, sweet, and thoughtful. She does not talk about her past but neither do I. It's a nice, unspoken rule that we don't have to reveal too much to each other. We simply enjoy the other's Pokémon. I tell her what it's like to be a Pokémon Trainer and she entertains me with stories about Professor Kukui's antics.

Hau is a different story all together. I know he means well and most of the time I can tolerate him, but sometimes it is tiring to have to endure his endless bubble of loud enthusiasm. I must be very patient after all to have lasted so long. Really, who's that excited all the time? Even if he is, he doesn't have to go shouting it to the world every chance he gets.

The one time I did get a chance to roam the city alone, something interesting happened. I was exploring the Marina when I ran into Captain Ilima, the captain of the first trial. Apparently, he is also a student and recognized me from school. Before we could get into a real conversation, two thugs dressed in black and with bandanas tied over their mouths calling themselves Team Skull sauntered over to us. It seemed they wanted to steal Ilima's Pokémon, but he did not seem frightened at all.

"Who are these guys?" I whispered to him, but I only received a smile in response. They honestly looked like lame copycats of a real gang.

"What, what?! Why you trying to act hard when we're already hard as bone out here, homie??" the first grunt said.

"Oh, let's check these fools," said the second.

It looked like they weren't going away, so Ilima and I each took a grunt to battle. I honestly expected it to be a harder fight, but Sun easily the Zubat. Afterward, the two thugs ran away in fear.

"My thanks to you and your Pokémon," Ilima said. "That was some excellent battling. You're taking the Island Challenge, right? Come find me after you graduate and I'll see if you're ready to take on my trial."

I smiled. He seemed nice enough. "Thank you."

So that's how I met Melemele Island's captain. But enough of that. Today was supposed to be a good day. Today before class I challenged Hiromi to a battle. For some reason, Lillie and Hau wanted to watch. Even Kukui, who had stopped by for a guest lecture, decided to be part of the audience.

Once I got focused, I drowned them all out and fought hard with Sun. I knew the Pikipek's tricks this time, so I was able to maneuver around them. I still only got in a few good this, but that was all that was needed. After a grueling battle, my Litten and I came out victorious. Hau cheered while Lillie politely clapped.

"Wow, you've gotten strong," Hiromi said as he returned his Pipipek to his Pokeball. "Congratulations."

"Yes, that was excellent," teacher Emily said. "Now you only have three more students to defeat."

"But you can worry about that later," said Kukui. "Right now you should celebrate! Woo! I'll let your mom know about your spectacular victory!"

"Yeah!" Hau exclaimed. "Let's celebrate after class!"

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