Chapter 6

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December 10, 2016

I beat Joey at school on Tuesday with Kiku. Hau and Lillie were there to watch me this time, and we had a fun afternoon in the city afterwards. Lillie was relieved that Hau and I had made up. Things returned to normal - except better. I marveled at how inadvertently letting my true thoughts be known had turned into a greater good.

I grew bored of exploring the same old areas, so Hau and I decided to take on Route 2 on Saturday. It would take time to travel all the way up there and back down again, and I told my mom not to expect me until that night. Hau was obviously excited about the adventure. I had to admit, it did make me kind of nervous. This was a long time to be together, and I hoped we still got along when the day was through.

We met up in Haua'oli City near the Pokémon Center. Hau waved enthusiastically when he saw me. I smiled as I approached. "Alola, Selene," he said.

"Alola, Hau." My eyes fell to the bunch of daisies in his hand. "What's with the flowers?"

His expression suddenly turned serious. "The cemetery is up near Route 2, and I thought it might be nice to visit."

"That sounds like a good idea." I did not know he could be so sentimental. It was surprising in a good way.

"Yeah, so, Route 2 is this way." He led me down the street and to the right.

I soon saw where Route 2 was supposed to start, but a Tauros was blocking the way again! Thankfully, Kahuna Hala was already there, getting him under control.

"Alola, you two," Hala said when he saw us. "Good to see you two getting along. I've got this ornery creature calmed again, for now." He smiled at me. "Want to try giving him a little pat again? That's the only way he'll get used to you."

I shrugged and reached out my hand to pet the big animal. I smiled when he mooed in response.

"Wow, you're really good with him!" Hau exclaimed.

Hala laughed. "Maybe old Tauros here can feel your love for Pokémon. He sure seems happy to know you. And yet... It still seems to me like Tauros wants to stretch his legs on his own island challenge! Ha!" The Tauros whipped his head up and down and snorted. "What! You want to play tag, now? The Melemele kahuna never loses, friend!" The Tauros turned and fled with the kahuna hot on his trail.

"I see where you get your energy from," I said.

Hau chuckled. "That's tutu for you. Even he knows how to have fun!"

I smirked. "Let's get going before it gets too late." And we were finally off.

We took our time exploring the tall grass along the route. There were Pokémon here that I had not yet encountered, and I found this to be a good chance to train my Pokémon. About an hour later, we made it to the cemetery. A solemn, respectful mood overtook us as we entered.

A few people and Pokémon hovered over gravestones and placed flowers over the graves. I followed Hau to the third row in the back. He stopped halfway down and gazed at the tombstone. For once he was silent but did not need to speak.

While he stood there, I left to find flowers of my own. When I returned, Hau offered me a grateful smile. Then we both placed our flowers on the grave. Images of my father and brother entered my mind. I wondered if they could see me now, wherever they were. I prayed that their souls had found peace.

The mood broke when something purple and round floated up from the grave. Startled, I stared into the creature's black eyes. It has two long strings as arms that bent down and scooped up the flowers we had just laid down. Then it zipped through the cemetery.

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