Chapter 25

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January 17, 2017

We ate the large dinner prepared for us, and for a little while, we were able to forget our troubles and enjoy each other's' company. Afterwards, we were free to wander at will since it was still too early to turn in for the night. I did think about going to bed early to rest up after the long day. I watched Hau leave with Lillie. Apparently, he wanted answers and did not think Gladion or I would ever tell him what was going on. I felt a little bad. It was not his fault he was in the dark. It was probably best he learned the truth from Lillie.

I watched Gladion leave the mansion, and on a whim, decided to follow him. I caught up to him once we reached the courtyard. He glanced at me but did not say anything. I swept my gaze across the courtyard. It appeared that Team Skull had tried to make the area as messy as Po Town. Trash and random objects were scattered everywhere, and the grass was torn. It was a pity. The place could look really nice if it was cleaned up.

I let out a low whistle. "I hope you've got a good janitorial staff."

Gladion sighed and shook his head. "What a mess. I can't believe it turned out like this."

"But at least we got Lillie and Nebby back. That's something, right?"

"True. I am glad she is safe." He paused as he held my steady. "I am sorry for pulling you into my family mess."

I shook my head. "You didn't make me do anything. I wanted to help... you and Lillie. And... this may sound strange, but it feels good to be here. Like it's what I'm supposed to be doing. And maybe it is." Something occurred to me, and I had to smile. "How much did Lillie tell you about how I saved her when we met?"

"Not much. She said you saved her from some Spearow on a bridge. And there was something about a guardian."

"Tapu Koko. He saved me after the bridge broke. Actually, it was Nebby who was being attacked by the Spearow. He used his power to ward them off, and then Tapu Koko saved us."

"So, you knew about Cosmog all along."

I shrugged. "I didn't know much. Lillie never said much about him or her past, so I didn't ask."

"Oh, but you pestered me?" He did not look entirely upset about it.

I smiled. "That was different. It was necessary. Anyway, after Tapu Koko rescued me, he gave me a stone that Kahuna Hala made into a z-ring. He and Professor Kukui said that meant I was destined to go on the island challenge. They thought the guardian had something big planned for me. I didn't believe them then, and I just signed up for the challenge so I could become stronger. But now I think Tapu Koko must have known. He must have known what Cosmog was and maybe even about Lillie. I think I was always meant to help her... and you."

Gladion gave me an amused look. "So you're taking your cue from a random Pokémon? Sounds pretty smart."

I laughed. "Well, it brought me to you and Lillie, didn't it? Whether it's fate or not, I'm glad I'm here now. I feel better - more alive - when I'm fighting for you guys. I think all along I needed something to pull me out of myself so I could get over the funk I've been in. I guess I just really love helping people... and being part of a team. Didn't it feel good to work with Hau and me today?"

"Surprisingly... Yes. I am grateful for both of your help. I do not know how I could ever repay you."

"You don't need to be so dramatic." I placed my hand on his shoulder as he looked at me in surprise. "Just be my friend. That's all I want."

He cast his gaze to the ground. "That does not sound like much, but... fine..."

I smiled. Was it wrong to think he was being incredibly cute right now? I needed to change the subject to distract myself. "So, do you think the whole Aether Foundation is all bad? Mr. Wicke seems pretty nice..."

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