Chapter 29

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A/N: This is the second to last chapter for the first part of this story. The second part will mainly take place in Kanto. Thanks for reading!

Selene's Team: Sun, Michio, Valerie, Luana, Mahina, Nebby

January 22

It was a relief to arrive back on Ula'ula Island. I checked my Pokémon into the Pokémon Center and then took a quick nap. I felt much better after some sleep and journaling. Then I realized I had not eaten much all day, so once my Pokémon were healed, I bought all seven of us food at the cafe. It was still early afternoon by the time we finished.

I added Mahina and Nebby to my team, switching them out with Yuki and Zygarde. Then I headed to Aether House to meet up with my friends. Acerola and the others were happy to see me. I gave them the short version story of my recent adventures. When I asked about Hau, Acerola said he had left the previous day to take his Ula'ula grand trial. I hoped he planned on stopping back at Tapu Village before heading off to Poni.

I grew restless waiting for him, so I decided to set off for the base of Mount Lanakila alone. Once again, I could go no further than the construction barriers at the beginning of the path. However, this time a sign has been posted that stated the Pokémon League would open on February 18th, 2017. Less than four weeks away.

"The three month anniversary of your move to Alola," a voice said from behind me. "Pretty sweet, isn't it?"

My heart leapt with excitement, and I spun around to face Hau. "It is!" Reacting out of emotion, I flung my arms around him and pulled him close.

Hau laugh as he hugged me back. "I missed you too." We broke apart, and he flashed me a grin. "You were successful in your mission?"

I nodded. "We made it to Ultra Space and saved Lusamine and Guzma. Oh, and get this: Lillie and I played these flutes, and Nebby evolved into the legendary Pokémon Solgaleo!"

Hau's eyes grew wide. "No way! We've been hanging out with a legendary Pokémon the whole time?!"

I chuckled. "Looks like it. And after we got back, Nebby decided he wanted to continue traveling with me." I smiled proudly.

"Woah, that's incredible! You'll be tough to beat now."

"I guess so." I had not considered it that way, but I supposed it was true. Nebby's new form was certainly strong. "Anyway, how have you been holding up? Had any adventures of your own?"

"I just completed all the trials on Ula'ula! Now I've just got to make it to Poni. Did you complete your island challenge? Do you know who the last kahuna is?"

I smiled. "I did complete my challenge, and I arrived on Poni just in time to see Hapu named the next kahuna!"

Hau whistled. "You certainly caught all of the action. I'll be off to visit her next. What are you going to do until the Pokémon League opens?"

I had still not given the question much thought, though it did not seem I had many options. "I'll just have to keep training so I'm ready. I'll probably go home and see my mom tomorrow."

Hau nodded. "Good idea. I'll leave tomorrow as well, so do you want to hang out today? I bet you could use some fun and relaxation." He grinned.

I could not think of a better use of my time. "You've got that right. Let's do it!" I felt light and serene as we walked back to the town side-by-side. It was great to be with my friend again. We had a lot of catching up to do.

The next day, I gave Hau a ride to Malie City on Charizard. Then, of course, we had to stop for malasadas. We chatted as I walked him to the harbor to see him off. Just as we approached the dock, Michio decided to let himself out of his Pokeball.

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