Chapter 10

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December 21, 2016

I got up early today to prepare for my journey. I decided a nice stroll through Hau'oli City would calm my nerves. I remembered Ilima's request, so I headed for the house he had pointed out to me in the past. Ilima was happy to see me and told me he wanted to battle me to test something out. When I agreed, he took me to the training school for the battle.

That captain battled harder than I last remembered - maybe because he used a z-move this time. Still, I used Helium and Twitters to beat his Gumshoos and Smeargle. Afterwards, he invited me back to his house for tea and snacks, and then he gave an everstone - a smooth stone that prevents evolution.

All in all, I enjoyed my visit. I just wish Rotom would stop calling Ilima a dreamboat. That pesky Pokémon is worse than my mom!

After a quick stop to the Pokémon Center, I knew it was time. I made my way to the Marina in order to make my appointment. Professor Kukui, Lillie, and Hau were there to greet me. And so was a rickety old boat that barely looked seaworthy. My heart dropped.

"Alola, cousin!" Kukui said. "Are you ready to head out with us?"

I took a step back, away from the boat. "I, uh-"

"Of course she isn't ready!" Hau said with a bright smile. "We haven't set the game up yet!"

Lillie cast him a curious glance. "Game?"

Hau nodded. "Did you bring the handkerchief I asked you to?"

"Oh, yes." Lillie dug through her bag and pulled out a navy blue handkerchief, which she handed to me.

"Release your Pokémon and then put that on!" Hau said to me.

I blinked. "Okay..."

Kukui laughed. "I don't know what he's up to, but I'm sure it will be a blast! Woo!"

I shrugged and pulled out my Pokeballs. If this was meant to distract me, it might work. I placed the handkerchief over my eyes and tied it securely. I could feel my Pokémon's eyes on me, wondering what the heck was going on. "Now what?"

"Tell your Pokémon to come with me!"

I sighed. "Do whatever he says, guys."

"Thanks, Selene! I'll be right back!"

I heard the sound of a bunch of feet running, and then it got eerily quiet. I turned to where I thought Lillie stood. "Do you know what he's doing?"

"No, sorry, Selene," Lillie said.

I did not have to wait very long. Hau returned and took hold of my arm to guide me onto the boat. I felt uneasy as I stepped onto the swaying boat, and my heart started to pick up speed. Still, my curiosity seemed to quell my anxiety somewhat.

Only after I carefully made my way down a flight of stairs did Hau allow me to remove the blindfold. I blinked my eyes several times to regain my vision. I looked around and saw I was in the room on the lower level of the boat, and Hau stood in front of me with a goofy grin on my face. "Are you going to tell me what's going on now?"

"You Pokémon wanted to play hide and seek!" he declared, spreading his arms wide. "You have to find them and catch them! Start with this room."

"Okay then." Obviously, he was trying to get me to forget that I was on a boat on the water. It was a sweet gesture, so I decided to humor him. I looked around the room a few times and then spotted a yellow tail sticking out from behind the bar. I walked to the bar and peered behind it. A smile tugged on my lips. "I found you, Luana!"

Lunar Eclipse: Part I (Pokemon)Where stories live. Discover now