Chapter 30

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A/N: I'm back! Sorry for the long wait. I don't know why I didn't just finish this story and take a break before the second part. Anyway, I'll try to get the second part up soon.

Selene's Team: Sun, Michio, Valerie, Luana, Yuki, Nebby

February 19

My three weeks of training turned out to be pretty intense. It took me a day of going through my Pokémon to settle on my team for the Pokémon League: Sun, Michio, Valerie, Luana, Yuki, and Nebby. Then I traveled across the islands to train. I grew into an intense state of focus, and time seemed to slip by.

Finally, the day arrived. I spent the day before the Pokémon League at home relaxing. I even went out for malasadas with Hau and Lillie (it was good to reconnect with them after so long). Then I traveled up the mountain to reach the Pokémon League. Thankfully, there was a Pokémon Center near the top. I had just left to continue my journey when I heard someone call my name.

"Hau?" I said in surprise.

Hau appeared out of breath as he stopped before me. "I'm glad I caught you, Selene!" He grinned and pointed right at me. "We're gonna decide which one of us'll be the first to the Pokemon League!"

I smiled at his enthusiasm. "That sounds like a great idea to me."

"Good. You're gonna need to use your full force if you think you're gonna beat me and my team when we're serious about winning!"

I chuckled lightly. "You're on!"

I chose Michio as my first Pokémon and Hau chose Raichu. We both fought our hardest and went through our entire teams. For a second, I thought I would lose, but then Valerie, now a Salamence, pulled off a victory for me against Hau's powerful Vaporeon.

Hau groaned in frustration. "Ooooh, and I really wanted my Pokemon to know how it feels to beat your team this time!"

I gave him a sympathetic smile. "You fought really hard. I can tell you've been training a lot." And he had taken the battle very seriously unlike when we first set out on our journeys.

Hau nodded. "Right, thanks. And being seriously frustrated will only make me stronger!"

"That's the spirit!" It was good to see the loss had not gotten him down.

Hau casually placed his hands on the back of his head. "So, you'd better go and become Champion 'cause I'm gonna train so that next time I can come beat Champion Selene!"

I smirked. "I accept your challenge, and I do plan to win."

"Good luck, cuz! I'm going to go train some more before I take on the League."

I nodded. "I guess I'll see you later then."

"Oh and, Selene? I'm really glad that the kid who moved here to Alola turned out to be you." He appeared almost bashful as he spoke, and his admission warmed my heart. 

"Me too, Hau. I'm glad we became friends. You helped me grow a lot, and I could never thank you enough for that."

Hau smiled, appearing pleased. "I'm glad to hear it. Now go out there and win!"

I smiled at him in return. "I plan on it!" Feeling fuller than before, I healed up my team and set out once again. 

It did not take long before I reached the top. I gazed at the large building in front of me. And standing before it was Professor Kukui (who still wore no shirt despite the cold). "Alola," I greeted him.

Kukui grinned at me. "Hey there, Selene. Woo, you've come a long way! You've made it through all the trials and grand trials that make up the island challenge. Congratulations!"

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