Chapter 27

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January 20, 2017

The big day arrived. I woke up early to prepare myself and my Pokémon. This was my only chance to decide on the team I would use in ultra space. I had no idea what I would be fighting, so I needed a well-rounded team. Remembering Hapu's advice about the last Totem Pokémon, I decided to stick with Michio and Yuki (along with Sun, of course). Then I figured I better bring Zygarde along since he must have come to me for a reason.

It took more time to decide on the last two spots. It would be easy to choose my strongest Pokémon, but somehow that did not feel right. Finally, I decided on Luana and Valerie - two Pokémon who have been there with me since Melemele Island. Now I was all set. By that time, Lillie and Gladion had arrived in the PMC lobby. After a quick cup of coffee, we set out on our way to Hapu's house.

We had not gotten far along Ancient Poni Path when we came upon an obstacle along the road. Or, rather, several obstacles in the form of Team Skull Grunts. Lillie squeaked and hid behind me while Gladion bristled beside me.

"Can we help you with something?" I said in as polite a tone as possible. I was in no mood to deal with them again, and they had obviously waited for us for a reason.

"I heard about you numskulls at Aether," said one of the grunts. "Do you really know a way to save our boy Guzma?!"

"We can make you talk, even if we have to cut you to the bone!" another declared, giving me a threatening glare.

"Don't waste your time," Gladion said. "This is a fight you can't win."

"What are you doing with them, Gladion?" the first grunt jeered. "Are you betraying us?"

"I am not working against Team Skull. My goals are of no importance to you." He managed to remain calm even through the controlled anger in his tone.

"Yeah, well, we need to get Guzma back!" said a third grunt.

"We'll get him back," I said, "but we won't make it there if you stand in our way."

The second grunt glared at me. "We're supposed to trust you?"

"You don't have a choice," Gladion said. "Even if we told you what we know, you wouldn't be able to act on the information."

"What was that?!"

"Please, just let us go," Lillie said. "We're not your enemies this time."

I placed a hand on the Pokeballs on my belt. "But we will fight if we have to." Honestly, I had not thought about Guzma, but we might as well save him along with Lusamine.

Just before the second grunt could throw his Pokeball, Plumeria stepped in the middle of the quarreling groups and said in a booming voice: "Enough. There is no reason to take out your frustration on them." While the grunts backed off, the admin turned to Gladion and looked him up and down. "You. I should not be surprised to see you with them, Gladion. That's your sister, isn't she?"

Gladion relaxed considerably and nodded at the question. "Our mother is the Aether President."

"We plan to rescue her," Lillie said, puffing her chest out in determination.

"Are you sure you're ready for that?"

There was no doubt in my friend's voice when she answered: "I am ready. I know what I have to do, and I have Gladion and Selene to help me do it."

"Good. I may have been wrong about you." Plumeria paused. "To be honest, I've treated you really badly. Even if I was just doing the work the president told me to do, I shouldn't have done all that. Even if I apologize now, I know it's probably too late for you to forgive me, though. See, Guzma... he really likes the president. She's the only adult who ever seemed to see how strong he was."

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