Chapter 18

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January 4, 2017

It took me some time to reach the Hano Grand Resort, so I thought it would be fine if I took a break and checked out the Hano Beach. It was a nice beach with different activities going on. I even earned some money throwing Pyukumuku back into sea. Then I decided to explore the hotel a little bit. About an hour later, I was ready to meet that Aether Foundation chief.

The chief introduced himself as Faba and offered to take Hau and me to Aether Paradise, an artificial island dedicated to the protection of Pokémon. Professor Kukui encouraged us to accept and said he would meet us at Malie Garden on Ula'ula Island. The idea of an artificial island made me nervous, but Faba insisted it was entirely safe. He led us to a ferry that would take us to the island.

"Can you believe a big hunk of iron like Aether Paradise can float in the sea?" Hau said as we walked together. "And it's all cuz of the Pokémon holding it up. Did you know that, Selene?"

I looked at him in surprise. "Really?!" That sounded pretty amazing.

He grinned. "Knew I could count on you to react!"

I rolled my eyes playfully and gently shoved him to the side. "You're crazy."

Hau merely laughed. "By the way, you changed your hair, didn't you? You look great!"

I smiled at the compliment. "Thanks." I had nearly forgotten the change. I wondered if he noticed the makeup as well but didn't ask.

My smile faded when we reached the ocean. I stood on the dock, staring at the ferry. It had been two weeks since I had been on a boat. I reminded myself how far I had come with my water trainer. Hau put a hand on my shoulder and offered me an encouraging smile. I smiled slightly and nodded. Taking a deep breath, I stepped with him onto the ferry. I had done it.

I spent the entirety of the trip in the lower level of the boat. That was where the food was, anyway. I did my best to keep my mind off of the water. Somehow, it worked. It was a huge relief when the ferry pulled into Aether Paradise.

"Here we are, you two," Faba said once we were inside a large building. "This is Aether Paradise." He led us deeper inside the lower floor. "Aether Paradise is a facility created for the conservation of Pokémon. It has been outfitted with all of the latest technology for this purpose. Downstairs, our teams work on developing new Pokeballs and more. Yes, all for the sake of Pokémon conservation."

A young purple-haired woman approached and greeted us, introducing herself as Wicke. Faba then left us in her care. She seemed very nice - not at all arrogant like Faba. She led us onto a weird triangle that acted as an elevator. The first floor was filled with white walls just like the lower level. I spotted several workers in white uniforms.

Wicke explained the workings of the first level and then brought us up to the first level, which housed the conservation area. I looked in amazement at the grass, trees, and Pokémon. The Aether Foundation certainly had put in a lot of work.

"Aether Paradise is a safe haven for all Pokémon," Wicke said. "For this reason, the use of Pokeballs is strictly forbidden within the conservation area. We keep Pokémon that have been targeted by Team Skull here, and we also try to support Pokémon that need a little extra protection. Like Corsola, for example. They are quite terribly overhunted by a Pokémon called Toxapex."

I noticed the Corsola swimming in the makeshift pond and couldn't help but smile. This whole place was very impressive. I was glad I had the chance to visit.

"That's pretty amazing!" Hau said. "The Aether Foundation seems awesome. But why'd you bother setting up a branch in a place like Alola?"

Wicke smiled. "I couldn't say. It's hard to know for sure what our president is thinking sometimes. If you'd like to meet President Lusamine, she should be here in the conservation area now."

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