Chapter 3

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As soon as the bell rang I grabbed my bag and headed toward the cafeteria.

"Hey, Brooklyn wait up"

I turned around and to my surprise saw Ethan running up to me.

"Hey what's up?"

"Um so I was wondering if maybe umm you wanted to sit with me and my friend AJ today at lunch?"

I had to admit he looked very cute when he was nervous. "Depends can my friend, Stephine come too?"

"Yeah of course she can"

"Great, then lead the way" I told him.

We grabbed our lunch and decided to sit at one of the tables by the windows. We kinda just sat there awkwardly for few minutes not knowing what to say to one another.

Shapphire:What are you doing say something, anything.

Brooklyn:What do you want me to say?

Shapphire:Oh I don't know maybe ask him where he's from, what brought him here, how old his he-

Brooklyn:Okay I get it.

Before I could say anything I heared laughing coming from behind me. I turned around to my see who it was and to my surprise it was Stephine with the guy from this morning that was with Ethan.

"Brookly, there you are I was about to text you to see where you were." She said while taking a seat next to me. "Oh by the way Brooklyn this is AJ, AJ Brooklyn"

"Nice to meet you Brooklyn"

"Nice to meet you too"

"Now it's your turn." I looked at Stephine with a confused face. "Your friend aren't you going introduce me?"

"Oh yeah Ethan this is my best friend Stephine, Stephine this is Ethan and pretty sure you two already know each other. Right Ethan?"

"Yeah we do we've know each other since we were about 3 years old"

Stephine's eyes opened wide "Wow that's along time. Me and Brooklyn meet in 2nd grade, so since we were 8"

For the rest of the lunch period we all got along really nicely. To be honest it was kind of scary cause we had only know each other for a few minutes but it seemed like if we had know each other our entire life. The highlight of the period was when a group of girls came up to Ethan and AJ and they completely ignored them, it was so funny cause the girls stormed off furious.

"Okay, do any of you have have chemesty next?" AJ asked.

"I do" all three of us said in unison.


"Well I guess we better get going then"

All four of us walked to class together and took decided to sit in the front of the class. I was planning on sitting with Stephine but AJ had already filled in the seat next to her. They seemed to get along really well and I mean really well. Most of lunch they where flirting non stop and Ethan and I would laugh about how cheesy they were. I just shrugged and sat next to Ethan, not that I minded or anything I actually liked talking to him.


After school Stephine asked if I would give her a ride home since her car broke down the week before school started and her mom couldn't pick her up. Being the good friend I am I said yes. Just as I was about to start the car Ethan knocked on my window, which scared the hell out if me, and indicated for me to lower down my window and I did.

"Hey Brooklyn so me and AJ were wondering if you and Stephine wanted to come over to our apartment tomorrow?"

I looked over to Steph and she nodded. "Sure why not" I told him

"Awsome see you guys tommorow"


I started the car and started to drive off when I noticed Stephine was staring at me. "What?"

"Nothing, just that you and Ethan have gotten really close for just knowing each other for one day" she said in a reading voice.

"Oh shut up. If I were you I wouldn't be saying anything because you and AJ were all over each other"

"We were not"

"Yes you were" I looked over and saw her blushing.

"Ok I need to tell you something"


"So today I found my mate"

"Well who is it? Wait don't tell me. Is it AJ?" I turned to look at her to see her blushing again.

"Omg are you serious?"


"I'm so happy for you"

"Also after chemistry AJ walked me to my next class and he might or might have not kissed me"

I pushed her teasingly "Wow you are on a role today. Okay so since we are confessing things right now there's something I should probably tell you"

"Ok tell me"

"Ethan is my mate but I don't know if he knows because he hasn't said anything about it" I blurted out.

"He probably does and is just one of those shy guys"

"Yeah maybe. Well here we are." I said as we drove up to Sthepine's house, which was also the pack house. (Stephine's dad is the beta of the red moon pack)

"Do you wanna come in?" She asked.

"Nah I should get home"

"Alright see you tomorrow, bye"



"Mom, Dad I'm home"

My dad walked up to me and kissed me on my forehead "Hey sweetie how was your first last day of high school"

"It was good. Where's Mom?"

"She is in the kitchen"

As I walked toward the kitchen I could smell that my mom was cooking chicken." Hey Mom"

"Hi sweetheart how was your day?"

"Good actually. I made some new friends"

"That's awesome honey. Now go wash up dinner will be ready in 30 minutes"

"Okay" I walked up stairs and went to my room. I didn't have much to do so I decided to take a quick shower.

25 minutes later

I was now wearing some sweatpants with a sweatshirt. I walked downstairs with my hair still wet and saw my parents already sitting at the dining room table.

"I was just about to call you down" Mom said.

"Well no need to do that now" I sat down and started to serve myself. As I was eating I looked at my parents. It was obvious that I was adopted. I by just looking at them you could tell they were Hispanic. They both had tan skin, dark brown eyes and jet black hair. Honesty I think that the color of our hair was the only resemblance we had. But no matter how different we looked I still loved them.

After I finished eating I went to my room and got on Instagram for awhile. After about 20 minutes I decided to go to bed. Was I not good enough? Was I a mistake? Why didn't my real parents want me give me away? I though.

Shapphire: Don't say that it makes me sad.

Brooklyn: Why?

Shapphire: Because it makes me sad.

Brooklyn: I'm sorry I just can't help but wonder.

Shapphire: I know. Now go to sleep I can't wait to see Ethan tomorrow.

Brooklyn: Yeah me neither.

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