Chapter 7: Packing

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The past 3 at school have been pretty normal. (Today's Friday after school). In the morning I pick up Steph, we head to school, meet the boys by bleachers and just talk till the bell rings. After technology Ethan and I walk to the cafeteria together and meet Step and AJ. Then all 4 of us go to chemistry, then after school we say our goodbyes and head home. I drop of Stephine at home then I go home, do my homework, eat dinner, take a shower then I go to sleep and the next day it's the samething. And in case you are wondering no nothing really as happened between Ethan and I, we both agreed to take things slow. I mean it's not that bad we hug, flirt, tease and occasionally kiss each other on the cheek. Now AJ and Stephine are a whole different story. To be honest I'm kinda surprised they haven't marked each other yet.

"Have you already packed your suitcase?"

"Yeah have you?"


"Hey Stephine?"


"Do you think that Ethan and I are moving to slow?"

"What? No every couple just move at there on pace. Any way you two are perfect for each other. I mean the moon goddess didn't put you two together for no reason"

"Yeah your right" I said as I pulled up to her drive way. Me and Stephine thought it would be better if she spent the night at my house so that way in the morning the guys would just pick both of us up at the same time.

We both got out of my car and walked inside. We walked up the stairs and into her bedroom.

"Where are your parents?" I asked as I grabbed one suitcase that was next to her bed.

She grabbed the other one and answers "They went to settle some agreement with another pack since the Luna and Alpha could go"


We walked back downstairs and put both suitcase in the trunk of my car.

"You know I think we should take my car instead of the guys" I said we drove off.


"Well 1.the boys have a truck, which isn't very comfertable to be in for god knows how many hours. jeep will be able to fit more stuff and as more leg room. 3.I will feel more comfortable being in my car"

"Okay you got a point, but where will we put the boys truck?"

"Easy we will just put it in my garage I'm sure my parents won't mind"

"Okay then let me text AJ then and tell him our plan to see if him and Ethan agree with it"

*After a few minutes

"They guys said that was fine"

"Okay so when we get home lets just finish putting my suitcases in the car so we don't have to in the morning"

"Okay" she replied.

After we finished putting my stuff in the car we decided to eat a snack. When we walked in there was a note on the refrigerator.

Brooklyn your dad and I had to run some errands should be back home by 9:00. There is some left over spaghetti in the refrigerator that you eat for dinner. See you soon.

-Love Mom & Dad

I pulled out the spaghetti and started to hear it in in the microwave "Well I guess we are on our own for the next 3 hours and 30 minutes." I said to Stephine.

"What do you wanna do?

"How bout we eat first then decided what we are going to do"

"That sounds good"

Once we finished eating we decided to play candyland and chess. Steph kept on winning on candyland but I beat her at chess. We then got bored and decided to take showers. As I was waiting for Steph to get out of the shower I got a text from Ethan.

Hey just wanted to tell you that me and AJ will be picking u and Steph up at 4:30 a.m

What why so early? I don't even wake up that early on school days

Because the sooner we leave the sooner we get to were we are going. Plus there's no traffic in the morning and you can sleep in the car if you are tired

First of all where are we even going.

You will see when we get there.

"Hey who are texting" I looked up and saw Stephine who was already in her pajamas.

"Oh um Ethan he was telling me that him and AJ are picking us up at 4:30 a.m"

"Why so early?"

"Because they say that since there no traffic that early in the morning we will get to we are going faster and no I do not know were we are going"

"Ohh well I guess that makes since. Well I guess we better get to bed so we won't get moody in the car with the boys"

"True just let me say good night to Ethan"

Me and Stephine are already going to bed. I'll see you in a few hours.

Goodnight beautiful

Goodnight handsome

Before I went to bed I plugged in my phone and decided to put out what I was going to wear in the morning. I then got into bed which caused Steph to wake up.

"Where do you think we are going?" she asked.

"Honestly I have no idea"


"Come on lets go to sleep" I said as I tried to find a comfortable position.

"Goodnight Brooklyn"

"Goodnight Stehpine"

"I love you"

"I love you to Steph" and with that I fell asleep.

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