Chapter 29: Royal Ball

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"Brookyn wake up"

"Mmm" I mumbled. I was so tired.

"Brooklyn" the person said louder as she shook me violently.

"Stop" I tried seating them away but they wouldn't budge.

The shaking finnaly stopped as did the noise. The finnaly left or at least I thought. Next thing I knew water was throw in my face.

I jumped up and yelled "I'm up, I'm up"

"I've been trying to wake you up for fifteen minutes now"

"What?" I rubbed rubbed my eyes, confused at what was going on.

"Come on you still gotta eat before we start getting you ready"

My eyes slowly adjusted to the light as I started at a mad Stephine.

"Are you listening to anything I'm saying?"

"Not really" I yawned.

She sighed in frustration and grabbed a hold of my wrist. "Come on"

"What? What's going on? Where are we going?"

"It's already twelve in the afternoon and you still haven't eaten anything. The ball starts in exactly six hours and you've been asleep"

I pulled to a halt and she turned back to look at me.

"It's already tweleve?" I asked schoked. "Why didn't you wake me earlier?"

"Ethan told everyone not to go near you until at least tweleve"


"Can we walk and talk because there's a bunch of ladys that are going to be here in a few minutes and if I don't have you feed by then Mary's going to be pissed" With that we both started speed walking down the long halls and stairs.

"So why did Ethan tell know"

"He didn't say why he just told us...well more like ordered us" she said. "You know at first I was confused on why he told us what he did then as I was trying to wake you up it all made sense" she paused then looked over her shoulder at me and smiled. "He marked you"


"Let's go girls we only have a couple of hours before guests will start to arrive" Mary told us as she pushed us inside Stephine's and AJ's room.

"Speaking of that who's going to be coming?" I asked.

"Well it was supposed to be anyone who's werewolf could come since they would wanna see the long lost princess but now it's just the alphas and betas" Steph answered.

"Why did they change it?"

"Because of the n-"

"The people" Heather cut her off. I turned to look at Heather and gave her a confused look. "You see there's already going to be a lot of people with all the alphas and betas and we thought that if we would let everyone else come if would be too much for you. We didn't want to overwhelm you"

"Wait some one of every pack is going to be here?" I said with wide eyes.

"Don't worry dear, you'll do fine" Mary said to me. "Now lets start getting you ready" She looked over to the women who where standing behind us and raised an eyebrow. "Well what are you waiting for"

With that they began to take out all their tools as one of them sat me down. This was going to be something.


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