Chapter 21: Warnings

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Ethans P.O.V

"Let me read them again" I said "Maybe we missed something" Matthew handed me the the notes.

A few days ago a guared found a note stuck to a tree, at the edge of our land. The note read:

We know about the girl and her abilitys. Do you know how dangerous she is? Does she know?

At first we thought it was nothing just a warning to be careful with her. Ysterday a guared found another note that read:

Meet us tommorow at 4:00 p.m were you found the previous note. We prefer for you to come alone but we will let ONE person to accompany you.

"Any ideas what they want?" I said as I crumpled the note.

Matthew just shook his head. "No"

"Are you going to meet them?" AJ asked.

"I don't know. Probably"

Andrew stepped out of the corner "How do we even know that their talking about Brooklyn?"

"In the note they say 'abilitys'. Plural. Brooklyn is the only one that can control more than one thing" Matthew replied.


"Well if your going to go see...whoever they are I'm going too" I pointed out.

Andrew just scoffed. "If anyone is going with him its me. I can actually protect him if anything happens. Not that he needs it. He is the werewolf king"

"I might not have any powers but I can sure as hell win a fight" I turned and looked at Matthew. "Anyways I'm her mate. Don't you think that I should know what's going on. What if is was Heather? I'm pretty sure you would wanna go"

Matthew slowly nodded. "Fine. You can come. Andrew I want you, AJ and Jane to follow behind. Stay close but not to close. Just enough distance to where you can see us"

Andrew nodded. "I'll go inform Jane about later today" and with that be left the room.

Matthew looked at AJ and I "Be ready at 3:30 and wait for me at the edge of the palace"

We both nodded and left.

"You think it's the same people who started the fire 17 years ago" asked AJ as we walked down the hall.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was" I responded. "Hey how are things with you and Stephine?" I asked put of curiosity.

"Good. Nothing new. Why do you ask?"

"No reason"

AJ suddenly stopped walking. "I know somethings up. Tell me"

I sighed. "She won't let me mark her"

Andrew sighed, then started walking again. "What does she tell you?"

"That she's not ready. I tell her its okay, that I will wait till she is"

AJ scoffed. "Ok one thing I know about you is you are not patient"

"You don't think I know that"

"So why don't you tell her that you aren't patient"

This time I stopped walking "Ohh I don't know, maybe I don't want her to feel pressure. You know since she has gone through a lot these past weeks. Finding out she as royal werewolf blood in her, she can control air and fire"

"Ok I get it" AJ said before I could say anything else. "How bout your wolf?"

I sighed. "I don't know much longer I'll be able to hold him off. I mean its killing me that I can't mark her or complete the making process, imagine what it's doing to him"

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