Chapter 22: Saftey precautions

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Brooklyn's P.O.V

"So?" Steph asked eagerly as I changed into a tank top and some running shorts. I looked at Steph and have her a confused look. She rolled her eyes and said "What happened with you and Ethan? Did you talk to him about what you heared AJ and him talking about? Did he try anything on you?"

"What? No, of course he didn't try anything. He's not like that"


I sighed. "Nothing happened. I sent bring anything up and he didn't either. It was a normal night"

"And by normal you mean get in bed talk for a while, make out, then cuddle and fall asleep"

My eyes shoot open. ""

"Remember a few nights ago when we were in your room talking then Ethan came in?"


"Well do you also remember how I excused myself and said that I was going to use the bathroom really quick before I left"

I mentally slapped myself when she said that. "I totally forgot you were even in there"

"I know" she replied with a playful smirk. "When I came out of the bathroom I saw the two of you making out. I'm surprised you guys didn't go all the way"

I looked down, trying to hide the fact that I was blushing. "Why didn't you just walk out once you were done using the bathroom?"

"So your saying that you would've wanted me to walk out, let the two of you know that I was there and watch you get embarrassed" she said raising an eyebrow. When I did answer she just laughed. "Come on we should get going" she said as she stood up.

I nodded and followed her out the door.

As Steph and I reached the training ground we noticed that everyone was standing in one big group. By everyone I mean Ethan, AJ, Jane, Matthew, Heather and Andrew.

"Who are they?" Steph asked. I looked at the group and noticed that their was two guys and a girl in the group. As one of the guys turned I saw his face and immediately recognized him. "I think they're some of the guards" I replied assuming that the girl and other guy were also guards..

"Now that everyone's here" Matthew said as Steph and I joined the group "I would like to announce that from now on not only are the 'gifted' wolf going to be training, but also everyone else. Everyone is going to learn how to fight in hand and hand combat. I have brought the top three guards that we have here to help you out" As he said this the draw guard stepped forward. "This is Carly, best female fighter and better than more than half the guys" Carly gave all of us a small smile and waved. The guy that I had recognized then took a step forward. "This is Max, youngest guard and climed the ranks very quickly if I might add" Max waved. "Finnaly this is Ben, the commanders right hand and one of the longest guards that have been here. Any questions?"

"Just one" I said, causing everyone to turn and look at me. "Why are we doing all of this?"

"Because I want everyone to be able to defend them self in case something happens" Matthew replied.

"Is something going to happen?" Steph asked.

"No. Like I said it's just a safety precotion" Matthew reassured her. "Now if there are no more questions, I would like for all the gifted wolfs to go with Ethan and train on the right side field, while everyone else will be on the left side of the field. Got it?" We all nodded our heads and replied a yes.

"You okay?" Ethan asked as I we walked to the right side of the field.

"Yeah. I just don't really understand why were doing this" Ethan grabbed my hand and rubbed circles around my thumb. "It's just a safety precaution" he reassured me.

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