Chapter 4

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Beep beep beep

"Ugh just a few more minutes"

Knock knock

"Honey time to get up or you'll be late for school"

"Just 5 more minutes Mom"

"Alright sweetie but only 5 minutes no more"

"Thank you"

*5 minutes later

"Guess I should get up now" I got out of my bed and headed toward my bathroom to get ready.

*20 minutes later

I was now out of my clothes from last night and now wearing some black skinny jeans, a white crop top and my white converse. I decided to straighten my hair since I had a few extra minutes to spare. I walked downstairs to see my mom and dad sitting on the couch drinking their coffee watching the news.


"Good morning sweetie how'd you sleep"

"Like a baby"

"Well that's good. There's some fruit on the table if you want any ok?"

"Okay see you guys later" I walked over to them and kissed them on the cheek, grabbed a apple of the table and grabbed my car keys. "Ohh and by the way can I go to a friends house after school?"

"Sure just make sure to be home by 8:00"

"Okay I will bye" I said as I walked out the door.


I had just started my car when I got a text from Stephine.

Hey can you pick me up my mom can't take me to school today and my car is still at the car shop.

Sure I'll be there in a few.

Ok thx.

No problem what are friends for.

After I picked up Stephine we decided to go to Starbucks eventhough we only had 10 minutes to get to school.

"Come on we are late" Steph said has she gestured for me to walk faster.

"Its only been 3 minutes since school started its not a big deal"

"Just hurry up"

When we walked into class all eyes were on us. "It's nice of you to join is girls" Mr. Johnson said.

"Sorry won't happen again sir" I apologized

"Hope not cause if it does there will be consequences"

Gezz we were only 3 minutes late its not a big deal. Yet he was acting as if we skipped the entire class period and only showed up the last 3 minutes of class.



Finally technology the class I had been waiting for since school started. Why? Well because Ethan would be there.

When I walked into class Ethan was already sitting at our table. I walked toward our table and sat next to him. "Hey"

"Hey" is face instantly lit up "I was looking for you this morning but I couldn't find you"

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