A little more then a one night stand

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Brendons POV:

I thought when we moved to Las Vegas I would finally get my fresh start. No more bullies, no getting shoved into lockers, no more eggs getting tossed at my house. Now the problem isn't the People out side my house it's the people in my house. My dad borrowed my computer. I forgot to clear my search history, so when I got home my dad beat me senseless because he found out I was watching gay porn on my computer. 

I ran away from home that night. I wanted to get so drunk that I would never remember this night. It's a good thing my friend Spencer made me a fake ID. When I get up to the bar I order myself some shots. As I'm about to finish them off a tall, dark haired, blue eyed man walks up to me. When I see him my breath is taken away. He is the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

"Dallon," he says sticking his hand out. My hand meets his. "Uh B-Brendon," I stutter. "Nice to meet you Brendon. Now what is a handsome guy like you doing drinking at a bar  by yourself?" Dallon asks. I don't want this guy to be leading me on so I just blurt it out, "I'm gay!" "No shit why else do you think I'm trying to flirt with you?" Dallon laughs. "You're trying to flirt with me?" I ask. "I don't know is it working?" Dallon asks. "Y-Yes I say nodding my head up and down. "Good," Dallon smirks.

I tell Dallon that my family just found out that I like guys. "They didn't take it that well. In fact my father beat me," I say. "I'm so sorry if there's anything I can do to help you right now I'll do it," he says, "actually I think there is one thing you could do for me," I say. Then pull Dallon in for a long lustfull make out sessions. At one point between getting as drunk as possible and sticking my tongue down Dallons throat we decide to take things to Dallons house.

When we get to his place we start kissing again. Dallon tosses me onto the bed then crawls on top of me. He wraps either leg around my waist. He peels off my clothes and I peel his off until we're both naked. Dallon spreads my legs and bends to give me a blow job. I thrust my hip upwards pushing my self deeper into Dallons mouth . I moan loudly and bite my lips,

While Dallon deep throats my hard cock I feel him slide two fingers into my opening, which causes me to go absolute nuts. When Dallon slips in his third finger I wince in pain and pleasure. "Are you okay? I'm not going too fast am I?" Dallon asks. "N-No. DON'T STOP!" I moan. Dallon continues what he was doing except  this time he removes his finger and thrusts himself into me. The pain sends shivers through my body. I grunt as he pulls out and pushes himself back in. But this time when he pushes himself back in I feel pleasure not pain.

"FUCK... DALLONNNN!" I moan. Dallon picks up the speed and moans in sync with me. It's like I'm living a dream but this is real. "D-Dallon I'm g-gonna come," I moan. And with that Dallon takes me back into his mouth. Okay now I really can't hold it. I come in Dallons mouth. We switch up potions so that I'm now riding him. Dallon feels so hard inside me. I can tell he's on the verge of coming. His breathing slowed down but his thrusts speed up.

Dallon claws at my back. He comes inside me. He's so hot after he's just had an orgasm. Me and Dallon spend the rest of the night making out in bed. Dallon suck my neck leaving a trail of hickeys. "So how are we going to keep in touch after this?" Dallon asks. "Do you have a kik?" I ask. "Yep. My user name is DixoverchixDJW," Dallon says. "Wow what and original name," I laugh, "Mine is BrendonUriellyannoying." "Wow what a harsh name," Dallon laughs.

"So do you wan swap pics?" Dallon asks. "I don't know what do you mean by swap pictures?" I ask. "Not nudes actual pictures. Wow UriellyAreAnnoying," we both laugh.

 Wow UriellyAreAnnoying," we both laugh

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"How's that?" I ask. "Um how does someone as good looking as you end up I my bed?" Dallon asks. "I'm not good looking," I say as I blush, "Okay now your pic?"

"Omg how are you so good looking? I looked like crap in my picture

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"Omg how are you so good looking? I looked like crap in my picture. Here let me take a new one," I say. I take Dallons phone from him and take a selfie.

 I take Dallons phone from him and take a selfie

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"I still look like crap but oh well," I say. "What are you talking about this picture is the defenition of sexy," Dallon says. Me and him go back and forth arguing who looks better until we fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of an alarm clock and Dallon saying, "Shit!" "What is it," I say rubbing my eyes. "I'm running late for work. You need to leave okay? I'll message you after work," Dallon says. I look at the clock and I realize I'm also running late for my first day at my new school. I throw on my clothes and rush out the door. Dallon gives me a kiss before we both leave.

I make it to school right as the first bell rings. I look at the picture Dallon sent me then turn off my phone. I grab my schedule. My first hour class is math in room 214. I run upstairs as fast as I can. I hope I don't get in trouble for being late on my first day. My parents will kill me, again. When I open the door I am in shock. My parents won't have to kill me because I'm already dead. My math teacher is Mr. Weekes. Mr. Dallon Weekes and he looks just as shocked to see me.

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