Let the fantasy die

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Brendon's POV:

For a while after the award no one had brought up the video. I thought it was because people were actually respecting my privacy for once. That was until I skimmed through  all the channels and saw a story about me. It wasn't technically me but it had to do with the video and Dallon. "So Dallon Weekes is Brendon Urie's new boyfriend. I'm sure you've all heard of him," Catt Sadler says looking into the Camera.

"As I was saying, Dallon was the one that leaked the video of Brendon's assault. Insiders tell us that Brendon had gone months without ever reporting what happened to him out of fear that Ryan Ross and Jon Walker (his former band members and the two assaulters from the video) would  go after him again. Dallon leaked the video knowing that Brendon would've never turned it in."

"Wow he must have a lot of guts. I would be afraid of getting dumped," The other news anchor says. "Which is exactly why we have Dallon on the phone. He said that he will do anything to make sure no one harasses Brendon with questions about the video even I that means leaking his own story," Catt says. "Hello Dallon can you hear us?" The other lady asks. "Y-Yes," Dallon stutters.

Oh my god why is he doing this. I can take the paparazzi. I've had plenty experience with them. They will destroy Dallon. "Okay Dallon we are going to ask you some question that everyone is probably wondering when they search your name. Why are there mugshots of you and what made you become a registered sexoffender?" Catt asks.

"Well let me start from the beginning. I was out drinking one night when I met this amazing guy. I took him home with me that night. I didn't know who he was. He was just this good looking stranger that I hooked up with. Well that's what I thought. I worked as a high school math teacher. My first period was with seniors. I was told that I would be expecting a new transferred student. He walked into the class room and I looked up to see the guy who I woke up next to," Dallon says.

"How old were you and how old was the student?" Catt asked. "I was 26 and Brendon was 17," Dallon admits. "Wait the student was Brendon Urie?" Catt asked. "Yes. I immediately knew I made a huge mistake. I told Brendon what had happened that night was never going to happen again. I still cared about him but what we had done was illegal and I didn't want to break the law to be with this kid that I just met, no matter how good looking he was.

I went home that night with a shit. Oops I don't think I'm supposed to swear," Dallon says nervously. "It's ok It will just get bleeped out," says the other girl. "Okay I'm sorry," Dallon laughs, "Anyway, I had a CRAP ton of homework to correct. I usually shut my phone off so that I wouldn't get distracted but that night I forgot to. I had gotten a message on my phone. I went to turn it off until I read what it said.

Brendon was hurt. I drove to his house to take him to the hospital because the other people in his house didn't care about him. I felt so terrible that I pushed him away when I could've helped. I told the hospital staff that I was his boyfriend so that they would let me stay with him. I was the one person that was allowed to visit him. When he was released from the hospital we had grown so close. I let him live with me because he was afraid to go home.

Soon me and him started to get very close again." "So you guys started having sex again?" Catt asks. "Yes," Dallon laughs, "I'm sorry, it's illegal not funny. But, back to what I was saying. We started having sex again. We lasted a good four months before getting caught. And it wasn't that I necessarily got caught, I kinda turned myself in." "How do you 'kinda' turn yourself in?" the other girl asks. "Brendon had a medical emergency. I called 911. when the police got there they had started asking questions.

They found out that I had been sleeping with a minor. I was given five years in prison. Me and Brendon were and still are in love. I've really come to realize that age is just a number. It's the maturity of the person your with that really makes all the difference. Brendon was mature way beyond his years. I never assaulted anyone. we were just one year early with our relationship," Dallon says.

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