Strike up the band

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Dallon's POV:

Shit! Did Mr. Obama catch me with Brendon? No, he couldn't have. We've been so careful. So then why does he want to fire me? I pace back and forth outside his office. Mr. Obama opens his door and invites me in. "Mr. Obama if you don't mind me asking, why am I getting fired?" I ask. "You're not getting fired you are just losing you job as a math teacher. Mr. Seaman, the music teacher was caught smoking pot with another student yesterday," Say Mr. Obama,

"I have many people trying to aply as a math teacher but no one to take over the music department. I was skimming through some aplications and I came across yours and you applied for both a math teacher and music teacher. So is that okay with you if we transfer you to the music department?" "Y-Yes sir," I say.

I'm so glad I'm not actually getting fired. I also need to be more careful when it comes to me and Brendons relationship. Ryan got fired for smoking pot with a student. I would have a much worse punishment for sleeping with a student. Mr. Obama dismisses me from his office. I walk to my class room and pack up my things. Mr. Obama gave me the keys to the music room and my new badge that says, Mr. Weekes, Music Teacher.

I haven't been into an actual music room since college. It feels just like old times. I walk over to the side of the room and pick up a bass guitar. I start playing I sing a song that I wrote last night while Brendon was sleeping,

"Could this be love at first sight, or should I walk by again?

You're photogenically dressed, the conversation begins

Oh god, now what did I say? Let me start over again

Could this be love at first sight, oh wait I said that before

I need a place for the night, happy to sleep on the floor

But don't go out of your way and I won't talk anymore

Turn the lights off, I'm in love

Wouldn't you like to, wouldn't you like to, kiss him?

Wouldn't you like to, wouldn't you like to, dance with him?

Darkened nights and violent things, vaudevillian boys and violin strings

All of these are the prettiest things when I'm in love

Turn the lights off, I'm falling in love with you

Wouldn't you like to, wouldn't you like to, kiss him?

Wouldn't you like to, wouldn't you like to, dance with him?

Dark, dark nights and violent things, vaudevillian boys and violin strings

All of these are the prettiest things when I'm in love."

"That was amazing!" I jump and see Patrick standing in the doorway. "How long have you been watching me?" I ask. "Um... How long ago did you start singing?" Patrick asks, "I'm sorry, I'm being a total creep. I actually came here to ask you something." "What is it?" I ask. "Well usually me and my band come here to practice before school starts and I was wondering-" "Of course," I say cutting him off, "You guys can come in  here to practice anytime you want."

Patrick turns to tell his band they can come in when he pauses and turns around. "Did you write that song for Brendon?" he asks. I start blushing and bite my bottom lip. "It's okay I won't tell anyone," Patrick says before finally leaving the room. Out of Brendons entire group of friends I think I can trust patrick the most.

Patrick walks back in followed by his boyfriend Pete and two other boys in their grade that aren't apart of Brendons friend group named Andy and Joe. "So what do you boys call this band?" I ask. "Fall Out Boy," Pete says. "Do you guys have any songs?" I ask. "We have enough to make an album. Our online fandom likes the song Thnks Fr Th Mmrs most," Pete says. "Can you guys play that one for me?" I ask.

They play through the song twice because I stop them in the middle of playing to record it. I sent the video to Brendon, hoping that would cheer him up. "so do you guys all have the same music class?" I ask. "yeah," Andy and Patrick say at the same time. "Why?" Pete asks. "Well I don't really have a lesson planned so I was hoping I could play some of your songs," I say. "Yeah that would be great publicty babe!" Patrick says to Pete. "I don't know. Maybe if we get to choose the songs," Pete says. "Deal. Now if you guys become famous one day I expect to recieve a thank you when you guys win your first VMA," I say.

Pete is such a diva already. I can tell he is going to be the face of the band. He said that they wouldn't thank me because thats not the look they're going for. What look? Emo? Brendon Said that he wants to be in a band like that one day. He doesn't care what he does in the band he just wants to be in one. I think he can do it. He's not so sure he will actually be able to get someone to let him join their band, but I think he's under estimating himself.

Once school ends for the day I pack up my things and make the same drive that I've been doing the past couple days. To the hospital. The doctors say that Brendon can go home tomorrow. I am going to be so happy about that. I tell Brendon that I am the music teacher now. Brendon is happy for me and says that now I have to play music for him at school also.


It's been almost three month and Brendon is finally out of all of his casts. Him and ryan have been talking about starting their own band. Brendon told me that Ryan and his friend Spencer from the school outside of the city just need a guitar player to fill in for their one that left. I'm just glad he's happy. He can't stop talking about it.

"Fall Out Boy got signed to Fueled By Ramen. They said they might sign my band once we find a forth member and name the band," Brendon says. I am also glad he's happy because better sex. Duh.

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