A loaded god complex cock it and pull it

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Dallon's POV:

I really don't want to leave Brendon at the hospital alone but I have to go to work. People would start to get suspicious if I was taking a sick days on all the days Brendon is going to be in the hospital for. Also no one is allowed to visit Brendon unless it's me or they get premission from me. 

All of Brendons friends have been asking me how he's doing. I tell them that he's doing fine, but they can't keep asking me because I could get into serious trouble for knowing that. It is especially hard to talk about Brendon now because there are cops in every hallway trying to find the kid that attacked Brendon. They are thinking it was someone who associates with Kim Kardashian because they found her phone number crumpled up on the ground near Brendon.

I don't understand how somebody could be so cruel to do that to another person. I was bullied when I was in school. I was too tall, had acne, had braces, was an band geek, and a teachers pet. I was shoved into locker. People stole my clothes from me after gym class. i had food thrown at me. I was called names, but no one ever caused me damage that severe. i was never hospitalized. I was recommended to the school counselor because I was having suicidal thoughts but nothing like what happened to Brendon.

He got beat at home so you'd think school would be an escape for him, but it's not. I wish he wasn't forced to deal with all of this shit. I wish we could just runaway together. That wouldn't solve anything. There will always be more bullies. 

I'm on my lunch break right now when the principal walks into my classroom. "Yes Mr. Obama?" I ask, quick to stand up. "Brendon Urie is in your first hour class, am I wrong?" Mr. Obama asks. "N-No. What is this about sir?" I ask. "Mr. Urie's parents, Boyd and Grac Urie have a history of physical abuse. They were supposed to be arrested this afternoon but were nowhere to be seen. I have been told to inform all of his teachers to be on the look out for them. if you happen to run into any of them you are to report it to the police imediately. You don't seem to be paying attention to me. Did you hear anything I just said?" Mr. Obama asks, "Mr. Weekes!"

"Huh? Oh yeah," I say snapping out of it. "Look I don't think I'm feeling so well. I think my cold from yesterday is returning. I will call the police if I see them. can I please have the rest of the day off. I would hate to get the students sick," I say. The principal sighs and lets me off work early. I run to my car and drive to the hospital as fast as I can. 

When I get to the hospital I pull into the parking lot. I open my door and hop out of my car. I look around the lot before slowly making my way towards the building. I suddenly freeze when I hear someone from behind me yell. "You're that douchebag that wouldn't let me see my son!" Brendons father yells. I turn to see him walking towards me with a gun.

"Please don't do this Boyd" I beg. He raises his gun at me. "Why shouldn't I? You broke into my house, kidnapped my son, you won't let me see him, now the cops-" Boyd says. "Just shoot him already!" Grace yells. i kneel on the ground with my hands above my head. "Please don-" I try saying when I hear a gun go off. 

I wasnt shot. I look up and see Boyd on the ground. He was shot in the shoulder. Grace tries to run but the cops are faster and they catch her. A nurse from the hospital comes running out. she wraps a blanket around me and leads me into the hospital. "I-I saw them pull out a gun. The cops were already in the building so-" the nurse explains. "Thank you," I say interrupting her.

I tell the cops that I was going to the hospital because I felt sick. If they knew the real reason i was at the hospital I would also have been arrested. Since Brendon is 17 the county isn't going to put him in a foster home. The county does want to make sure Brendon has somewhere to live when he gets released from the hospital. Brendon told them that he'd be living with his friend Josh.

As soon as the cops leave I go to Brendons room. I try to open the door quietly so I don't wake Brendon. He opens his eyes and sees me standing in the corner of the room. "Dally!" he squeals. His eyes are red like he's been crying. "I'm so sorry. It should've been me out there not you, my dad wanted to kill me not-" Brendon cries. I put my hands on either side of his face and look him in the eye.

"I'm fine baby boy, I'm fine. I came to protect you, and now your parents are going to jail. You're free," I say. Brendon pulls me closer to him. When our lips meet it's like all of our worries disappear. Brendons parents didn't just try to kill me. I'm not Brendons teacher. We aren't less then ten years apart in age. Brendon is the man I met at the bar. Brendon is the man that I dream about all night. He's the man who's smile distracts me while I'm trying to teach.

I miss that smile and I haven't seen it so long until now. I pull my lips away and look at Brendon. "What?" he laughs. "Nothing. Im just admiring how beautiful my Beebo is," I say. Brendon laughs, "Shut up and kiss me already." or lips reconnect. our lips fit together perfectly. The way Brendons lips move against mine. His tongue always finding a way to slip into my mouth. his soft sweet moans. his hand slipping lower and lower down my back until it finds what it's looking for.

I giggle. Brendon squeezes my ass, then slips his hands into my jeans then my underwear. "woah slow down there. Im not climbing into that hospital bed with you," I say. "You bitch," Brendon says. He pulls me closer to him. He bites my bottom lip. "fuck!" I moan. I pull myself away and stand in the corner. "You are going to get me in trouble kid," I say.

"Come on why do you have to stand all the way over there?" Brendon asks. "Because if you give me a boner there is only one way i know how to fix it and I refuse to do that. So I'm just going to wait in my corner until you stop acting like a horny teenager," I say. "Hey I'm not the one acting like a horny teenager. You are. I'm acting like horny adult," Brendon says. I laugh at that.

I stay in the corner all day. I run out to go pick up some Subway for me and Brendon. We eat and watch Titanic. Brendon falls asleep at the best part. The sex scene. I watch T.V. some more when I get a message from Mr. Obama.

BObamaK12: You're fired. Come to my office tomorrow to turn in your badge.

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