This ain't a dream it's a goddamn nightmare

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Brendon's POV:

When I pull up in the parking lot for school the next day I see about five police cars surrounding the entrance. What the hell happened? Was there a school shooting or something? I walk through the front door and head to my first hour class. Everybody is staring at me, some even laughing. Okay something I seriously wrong.

When I get to the classroom I see two cops arresting Dallon. "Wow you look surprised," says a familiar voice behind me. I turn around to see Ryan with his arms crossed standing behind me. "What's happening?" I ask. "I'm guessing you have watched the video yet," Ryan says. "What video?" I ask. My heart starts racing a million miles an hour. "You know the one you and Mr. Weekes are having sex in?" Ryan says in an angry voice. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I say. How is there a video. There's not a video nobody ever saw us. "Don't act like you don't know! Did you also not know that I asked Mr. Weekes for advice on how to ask you? I think he must've been too busy moaning your name as he fucks you on his desk to mention it," Ryan says.

"I'm so sorry Ryan I didn't know you h-" I say as Ryan cuts me off. "Save it for someone who cares Brendon! I just wish I had better camera quality when I recorded you guys," Ryan says. You what? That asshole! "I was your friend how could you do this to me!" I scream. I ran at Ryan, I pin him to the wall, and start punching him. He tackles me to the ground.

A crowd forms around us. Kids are chanting, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" I'm on top of Ryan punching him when a cop pulls me off of him. I spit at him. "I thought you were my friend, you asshole!" I yell. "And I thought you loved me but you didn't you fucking whore!" Ryan screams. I see the blood covering Ryans face when I look down and see what he did to me. 

I get dizzy staring down at the blood spewing from the stab wound. I can hear my heart beat in my ears. The cops sit me down in the front office. I can't breathe. When I cough I see blood all over my hand. It wasn't until then that the cops realize I'm wounded. I wasn't until then that I pass out.

I see the empty hallways. I'm at my old school I hear something behind me. There's nothing there. I keep walking. I hear something again but this time it's more clear. "Faggot!" I turn around. Noone's there. I start to run faster down the hallway and when I turn the corner I'm greeted by Gerard way and his group of friends. I turn around to run back but Mikey is behind me.

Out of nowhere Mikey grabs my arms and Gerard and Frank grab my legs. These are the upper class men who bullied me at my old school and I am reliving the situation that caused me to move. The older kids drag me to the janitors closet. Gerard has a knife in his hand. He laughs, "I wonder how the school would feel if this little faggot was dead?"

"Woah I didn't agree to this. You said we were going to beat him up not kill him," Mikey says. "We won't get caught! Chill the fuck out Mike! We're gonna make it look like he killed himself. Now Frank did you bring the Xanax?" Gerard asks. Frank pulls out the pill bottle. a wicked grin spread across Gerard face. He bends down, bring the knife closer to my arm. 

I try screaming but Ray is covering my mouth. Gerard makes a giant gash in my left arm. This keeps going on until Mikey stops him, "that's enough I think that will kill him." "Xanax!" Gerard says raising a hand to grab the bottle from frank. I've lost so much blood already that I'm too tired to fight. Gerard pours the pills in my mouth then water. Ray covers my mouth once more so that I don't try spitting it out or throwing it up.

The guys run out of the closet leaving me hear to die. I may be weak but I'm not stupid. "Hey Siri, call 9-1-1," I say right as I pass out. I'm shaken awake. Dallon is standing in front of me while I lay still on the bed. "What happened?" I ask. "We both had a lot to drink and we had sex if it isn't obvious yet but listen I'm running late for work so I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Dallon says.

Wow I really did have a lot to drink. I can't believe that was all a dream. I grab my phone off the bed and start getting dressed. "Wow you look even better sober," Dallon winks at me, "I gave you my number just I case you want to do this again." I grin up at Dallon. As I'm about ready to leave his apartment I turn around and ask him, "what's your job?" "I'm a math teacher at the high school," Dallon says.

Shit! My dream is about to come true. When I get to school I find that my first hour is math. I walk into the room right as the bell rings. "You must be the new k-" Dallon says as he looks up at me, "Kid. my name is Mr. Weekes and first rule is that you must be in your seat before the bell rings, so you will be staying after class. Take your seat." I feel everyone's eyes on me. 

Class was painfully awkward today. I thought Dallon was going to go easy on me but I guess I was wrong. I walk up to Dallons desk. "I don't want an explanation, how I managed to by a 17 year old drinks and take him home with me is beyond me. All that I want to tell is that what happened last night will never, ever happen again," Dallon says, "And the only name you're allowed to call me is Mr. Weekes." "Yes Mr. Weekes. I'm sorry," I say tears threatening to sting my eyes.

"It's fine Brendon just don't ever bring it up again," Mr. Weekes says handing me a late pass. When I leave I run staight to the bathroom. I lock myself inside of a stall and allow the tears to spill down my face. When I leave the stall I run into Ryan. "Wow what happened to your arm?" He asks. I look down and remember that I forget to put make up to his my scars and my sleeve are rolled up.

"Uh-um-I-" I say trying to think up a good excuse. "Sorry that was rude of me, can we start over? My name is Ryan, Ryan Ross," he says "Brendon Urie," I say shaking his hand.

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