I don't favor my students in class, I do it outside of class

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Brendon's POV:

Ryan and Josh will not stop asking what happened to me. "When you ran out of my house did you get hit by a car?" Josh asks. "No. And I really don't want to explain what happened. All I can tell you is that it was Mr. Weekes that saved me," I say. "What? How? I thought he didn't want anything to do with you?" Ryan asks.

"He didn't. He was afraid that we would get caught, but after last night I don't think he cares," I pause, "He care more about me then the rules." "Okay that's cool that you got your man but you still have to tell us what happened. I feel responsible for this," Josh says. "You're not. It's my own fault for being gay and-" I get interrupted. 

"Mr. Urie can you tell me what is more important then my lesson?" Ms. Williams asks. I stand up from my seat and say, "Telling my friends that my father nearly beat me to death with a bat for being gay last night. Because as a human being you should be concerned when your friend shows up to school looking like me. That is what is more important then your lesson that is putting everyone to sleep. Oh look I woke some of them up. Your welcome."

I walk out o f the class. Ryan and Josh follow behind me. I walk into an empty bathroom. Then other to come in locking the door behind them. "Is that what really happened?" Ryan asks with a sad look on his face. "Yes now can you please stop asking about it. I don't know what is going to happen with my dad, but I will be hiding at Dal- Mr. Weekes house," I say.

"Dude people love you," Josh says looking at his phone. "What?" I say giving Josh a confused look. "People took videos of you standing up to Ms. Williams and these are the comments," Josh said. He start reading off the comments in the video,


Amen amen amen amen

Um which class is this and can I join.

#Preach #GayPride 

Ms. Williams needs to take a seat.

Who's your dad? Imma send the mafia after him

He's brave ... Can I get his number so I can turn him straight

#GayPride what's his name 


RE: his name is Brendon. He started school here yesterday.


RE: he hangs with the group of gay Emo kids.


RE: Brendon, Josh Dun, and Ryan Ross locked themselves in the bathroom 

Brendon is hot! 🔥🔥🔥


RE: Brendon's gay❤️💛💚💙💜

Let me in the bathroom Josh I know you're reading this

Oh shit that one's from Tyler!" Josh says. He goes over to the door to let Tyler in. "Hey I watched the video are you ok?" Tyler asked me. I nod my head. "The whole school loves you!" Josh tells me. There's well over 500 comments on that video," Josh says. Great now everyone knows I'm gay and have an abuse father. Could this day get any better?

When we leave the bathroom everyone is staring at us. Well everyone is staring at me. I feel like a walking freak show. I see a couple girls telling me to call them. I don't have their numbers and even if I did I wouldn't call them. The only girl if even think about calling is Melanie. I know Melanie is into girls so I wouldn't be worried about her wanting to get into my pants.

Once the final bell rings I walk to Dallons class. When I get in there Dallon is standing I front of his desk with his arms crossed. "Yes?" I ask a little afraid to hear his answer. "I thought I was going to have to tell people to stop making fun of you today, but half way through the day all I could hear people talking about was how hot or brave or strong or sexy or gay you are. I didn't get it until I watched the video," Dallon says.

"I'm sorry I-I," I stutter. "Don't be sorry. That was amazing and kinda funny. I'm just jealous that I can't tell people how hot I think you are and how good you make me feel. I was upset that I had to sit behind a desk all day because I couldn't make this boner go away," Dallon says. It wasn't until he pointed it out that I noticed the bulge in Dallons jeans.

I blush and look down at the floor. "I'm not going to break the law any more than I already have. So I'm going to have to take care of this myself," Dallon says, "but you can watch if you want. I bite my lip. Dallon pulls down his pants and boxers. He looks at me as he starts pumping himself. He start to moan. I'm getting really hard also. I pull down my pants and start jacking as well. 

It sucks that Dallon won't let me touch him and he won't touch me. I start to moan Dallons name. He moans my name in return. "Brendon get up," Dallon says. "But-" I whine. "Get up! I can't take this anymore. Get in my car so we can go back to my place. I need you to help me," Dallon says. I start blushing again.

We get in his car. Dallon pulls over into a dark alley. "What are we doing?" I ask. "I can't wait. I need help right now!" Dallon says. This is my first time having sex in a car. It would be hard for anyone, but it's especially hard for me because I have 2 casts and a wrap around my torso. One thing is for sure though, Dallon is really good at moving around in a car. That is the good thing about having an older boyfriend.

Which makes me think what are me an Dallon?

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