This was no accident it was a therapeutic chain of events

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*I don't do drugs so forgive me if I get anything wrong*

Brendon's POV:

"Wait you and Mr. Weekes did what last night?" Ryan asks me as we walk to our next class together. "We had sex. And the crazy part of this is that I had a dream about all of this happening. I mean it's not going exactly the same but you were there and so was dal- Mr. Weekes," I say. 

"That's fucking crazy. Do you know how many people would be jealous of you if the found out?" Ryan asks. "Please don't tell anybody. I don't want Mr. Weekes to get into trouble," I plead. "I promise I won't. So do you think you have an actual chance with him?" Ryan asks. "I hope so. I mean even though I barely know the guy, I feel like I've been with him forever," I say.

Me and Ryan finally arrive to health class. We choose to sit in the back. The less interaction with others the better. Ms. Williams talks to the class about the importance of safe sex. She asks what could happen if you don't use a condom. I put my head down. I  do everything in my power not to get called on. "Josh you have you hand raised? What could happen if you don't use a condom?" She asks.

"If I don't use a condom I could get AIDS when I fuck my boyfriend, but screw that I want skin to skin action! Condoms suck," Josh says. I lift my head to see who just said that. He is sitting to seats away from me. His hair is bright red, he is wearing eyeliner, a band t shirt that he cut the sleeves off of, and tight black leather pants. He looks like a bad ass. I wouldn't mind being friends with him.

"Hey who is that?" I ask Ryan. "That is Josh he doesn't care what people think about him so he shows up to school dressed like that and makes out with Tyler in every room of the building. The reason people don't bully him for being gay is because they're scared of him," Ryan says. I wish I could be like that. I bet if I was more like Josh Dallon would like me.

I manage to make it through the rest of the day without getting called on. As I'm about to leave I see Josh with his arm wrapped around a guy that I assume is Tyler, a girl whose hair is two different colors, two guys making out, one has bleached blonde hair and the other is wearing a fadora, and Ryan. I walk over to them. 

"That's Brendon the guy I told you about," Ryan tells Josh. It's like an Emo trinity and Josh is the leader of it. "So you're Brendon," Josh says looking me up and down, "so what are you?" "W-What am I?" I ask. "Look I'm not an idiot and neither are you. None of us fit in. We are the misfits. 

I'm gay, Tyler is gay and loves fucking me. Melanie, well Melanie is her own species. Pete and Patrick if the can stop attacking eachothers faces they would tell you they are gay but they are also in a band called Fall Out Boy. Ryan over here is bisexual and shy... around normal people, but when he's with us he's a little slut. He is an amazing singer and guitar player don't let him tell you anything different.

So what are you?" Josh asks. "Um I'm gay. I also sing and I can play almost any instrument you hand me," I say scratching the back of my neck, hoping that was the right answer. "Holy shit what did you do?" Josh asks grabbing my arm and pushing my sleeve up higher. "N-Nothing?" I say tugging my arm away and pushing down my sleeve.

"I'm not going to let that go. Why did you do that?" Josh asked. Everyone's eyes are on me. "You are going to have to get me high if you want to know the answer," I say. "I like your thinking kid?" Josh says. Everyone agrees with him. Josh tells us to all meet up at his place. I follow Ryan because I don't know where I'm going.

When we finally get to Josh's house he leads us into the basement. He pulls out a ton of weed from under his couch. "How did you get all that without your parents finding out?" I ask. "My parents don't give a shit about me. I could kill myself and they wouldn't even know they had a son.

"But your never going to do that because I care about you baby," Tyler says. He kisses Josh. "I'd never do that to you babe I love you too much," Josh says. "I love you too Joshy," Tyler says. They are to cute together. Josh rolls some joints. After about an hour the weed starts kicking. I feel so relaxed. Everyone is making jokes. "Weed is tight," somebody says and we all start laughing like idiot and repeating that phrase.

"So why is your arm covered with scars?" Josh asks me. "I was bullied at my last school for being gay. One night a group of guys tied me up locked me in the janitors closet, drugged me and cut up my arms so that when I was found dead people would think I killed myself," I laugh. Not because I thought it was funny. That was the most traumatic time in my life, but because I'm so high and I'd rather laugh it off then cry.

"Luckily I had my phone in my pocket. I had Siri call 9-1-1. When I was found they didn't believe me. It looked like I had done it so I was sent to a mental hospital. I just got out last week. My family moved to a new school so I didn't have to face my bullies," I feel tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

I take another drag and continue the story, "last night my parents found out I was gay so my dad beat me. I ran away. I got wasted at a bar and ended up going home with a guy. He was fucking hot but when I got to school this morning I found out he was my math teacher Mr. Weekes. I think I love him and I think he hates me."

Everyone stares at me in shock. "I'm just going to go home now I hope my fucked up story made you guys feel better about yourself," I say before storming out of Joshes house. When I get to my car I finally let out all the tears I've been holding in. I blast the radio on my ride home to distract me from what's adopt to come.

When I pull up to my drive way I'm surprised to see all the lights in my house are off. I try to quietly walk through the door. I'm struck in the back of the head with something so hard that I fall to the ground shaking. I look up. My dad turns on the light. He's holding a metal baseball bat. "Where the fuck do you think you're going. Me and your mother have been worried sick," my dad says.

"Y-You didn't seem worried when you beat me up last night," I say trying to stand up. I put my hand on the back of my head that's pounding. I look at my hand to see that it is now covered in blood. I think I'm going to faint. "We didn't want a faggot live with us!" My  dad says. "What do you think you beat the gay out of me? Well guess what dad when I left I fucked the hottest guy I've ever met!" I yell.

"Are you high?" My dad asks. " yes! I'm high and I'm gay! You can't do anything to stop me!" I yell right as I get hit with the bat again. The time when I fall I can't get back up. I can't even open my eyes. But I can still feel the breaking and bruising of my body with every hit.

I don't remember blacking out, but now I wish I still was. My entire body hurts. I don't know how many of my bones are broken. All I see is blood and bruises. I need to get out of here. That my is not my father anymore and I can never come home again. I reach for my phone. I still have Dallons number from when he gave it to me at the bar.

Dallons POV:

I just got finished grading papers when I hear my phone buzzing. It's Brendon? I told him that we can be doing this. I open his message so I can tell him to stop when I read his message.

BrendonUriellyannoying: Can you please pick me up from my house. I don't think I can move. Pls hurry I'm scared.

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