Is it still me that makes you sweat

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Brendon's POV:

When the first period bell rings Dallon or shall I say Mr. Weekes asks me to stay back to talk with him. "Ye-Yes Mr. Weekes," I stutter. I'm so scared he's going to yell at me. "Oh come on Brendon don't act like nothing happened," Dallon says with irritation in his voice. "S-Sorry Dallon," I stutter. "How old are you? Really?" Dallon asks. "17," I say looking at the ground. "Holy shit Brendon do you realize how much trouble I could get into for this. I could go to jail for this," Dallon says looking at me now with disappointment  on his face,

"Is anything you said last night even true?" "Yes all of it except my age," I say. I feel tears starting to roll down my eyes. "I just wanted to forget everything my parents did to me. You helped me forget. Being with you last night made me feel like someone actually cared about me. I understand if you hate me now," I say. 

Now I'm actually crying. I feel like such a baby. Dallon gives me a hug, which surprised me. "I don't hate you. I'm just upset that I have to wait until your 18th Birthday to be with you," Dallon says. I look up at him in shock. "You still want to be with me?" I ask. "Yes I want to be with you. I'm in love with you Brendon," Dallon says. Did I just hear him correct. "I love you too," I say. I stand up on my tip toes and kiss Dallon.

Dallon grabs my ass and pulls me up. I jump and wrap my legs around Dallon. with our lips still connected Dallon walks over to his desk. He lays me down on it then slowly starts kissing his way down my neck. I try as hard as I can not to moan but I accidentally let one slip out of my mouth. I can feel Dallons evil smile. Once he gets to my pants he starts to undo them.

That is when the final bell rings signaling that I should be in my next class. Fuck things were just getting good. "Can I come to your class for my lunch period Mr. Weekes?" I ask. "As long as you never call me Mr. Weekes again," Dallon says. Oh my god I love that man. I don't know how I would've made it through last night if I hadn't met him. 

Dallon gave me a pass to my next class. I meet a guy named Ryan Ross in class. He helps show me around the school. "So um do you know Mr. Weekes then?" I ask him. "Yeah who doesn't. He's the hottest teacher in this school. I give Dallon a look of surprise. "I'm bisexual. That's also why I have no friends," Ryan says. "Well now I know I shouldn't go around telling people I'm gay," I say. "Well if you decide to just know that I will never stop being friends with you," Ryan says,

"So wait is that why you were asking about Mr. Weekes?" "No he's just my first hour teacher and I-" Ryan interrupts me, " your such a fucking liar. Mr. Weekes wouldn't go for any of his students. Hey you should sit by me at lunch," Ryan suggests. "Um I guess," I say, "Hey can I take a picture with you I want to show my friend Spencer who you are." "Sure," Ryan says. After I take the picture I don't send it to Spencer but to Dallon.

BrendonUriellyannoying: hey sorry gonna have to cancel lunch plans. I'm sitting with my new friend Ryan. I hope you're not upset.

DixoverchixDJW: it's fine

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DixoverchixDJW: it's fine. I have a ton of homework to correct anyways. Also, I know that kid he was taking my math class last year. Watch after him would you? 

BrendonUriellyannoying: why what happened?

DixoverchixDJW: last year at a party a group of guys beat him until he passed out then raped him. Everyone in school saw the video. None of the boys who did that to him got in trouble because they were the star football players in school.

I can relate to Ryan so much more now. I start having flash backs. "Is everything okay?" Ryan asks. "N-No," I hyperventilate, "I need m-my meds." "Oh my god what do you need me to do?" Ryan asks. "G-Get a teacher! Get M-Mr. W-Weekes!"

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