If crazy = genius than I'm a rocket scientist

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Ryan's POV: 

This new kid that I just met already means so much to me. After he finished up messaging his friend he starts to hyperventilate. I don't know what's wrong and I don't know what to do to help him. He asks me to get a teacher. As I'm about to run off to find a teacher he tells me which teacher to get. Mr. Weekes. I know he's hot but it's not like he's going to be your knight in shining armor. 

I run all the way upstairs like Brendon asked and got Mr. Weekes. He follows me to the cafeteria. He gets down on his knees and kneels next to Brendon. "What's going on Brendon?" Mr.Weekes asks, "What do you need me to do?" "M-Meds," Brendon cries while pointing to his backpack. "Ryan grab his backpack and bring it to me," Mr. Weekes says. 

I turn around to grab my back pack when I realize the whole cafeteria is staring and laugh at us. I rush Brendon's backpack over to Mr. Weekes. "Which pocket are your meds in?" Mr. Weekes asks Brendon. "The small o-one in front," Brendon says while scratching at the tattoo on his arm. Mr. Weekes pulls the pill bottle out of Brendon's back pack. "What are these for Brondon?" He asks.

"P-P-PTSD-D," Brendon stutters. "Brendon im going to take you to the nurses office," Mr. Weekes says. Then he turns to me and asks me to help him carry Brendon to the nurses office. I wrap one of Brendons arms around my shoulder. Mr. Weekes wrap the other one around his shoulder. We carry Brendon to the nurse. She has him stay in her office until his vitals show that his heart rate is back down to a normal. 

Me and Mr. Weekes walk out of the office. "Thanks for helping him Ryan. I know most kids in this school wouldn't have been as willing to help him as you are. Your a good friend," Mr. Weekes says. "Thanks," I say. Mr. Weekes walks into his class room then turn back around to me and say, "If any of those kid cause you trouble, you can always talk to me. My door is always open." "Okay," I say, blushing when I turn around.

Sure Mr. Weekes is hot, but that is illegal. I was blushing thinking about the new kid. I think I have a crush on Brendon. 

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