what's the worst thing I could say

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Brendon's POV:

Me and Dallon are getting fitted into our suits for the award show tonight. I'm wearing skinny, black, leather pants and a silver suit. Dallon is the opposite of me. He's wearing a black dress shirt and skinny, silver, leather pants. His ass really does look good in those pants. Dallon has been on his phone texting people day. I realize he just got out of prison and he needs to get caught back up with the rest of the world, but I thought today was about us.

I frown at Dallon when he puts his phone in his pocket and looks up at me. "Sorry I've just been busy working on something," Dallon say. "I don't care if you have good excuse. Today is supposed to be abou-" I try saying. Dallons phone starts going off and he pulls it out of his pocket and starts texting somebody again. What if he's cheating on me.

We finish getting ready then wait for the limo that's going to be taking us to the APMAs arrive. I look  over at Dallon who is still texting somebody. I start pouting without even realizing that I'm doing it. "And...... done," Dallon says. he turns off his phone then smiles at me. "What's wrong?" Dallon asks. "Nothing. I just wanted to send the day with you but you'd rather be on your phone but that's okay because everybody's happiness has to come before mine. That's the price of fame," I say wiping a tear off my cheek.

"No Brendon, the only thing that can make me happy is you being happy. I didn't mean to ignore you all morning. I've actually been talking with some producers of the show. I am planning something that you'll have to wait to see," Dallon says. He places a kiss on my lips. It's not anything special. We just hold the kiss for a good 30+ seconds until Zack walks in and says the limo is here.

When we show up to the red carpet I can tell he's getting nervous. I squeeze his hand and tell him that I'll be there the whole time. He doesn't have to talk if he doesn't Want to. Plus, Andy black is going to be hosting the show so you might get to meet him. Dallon is a total fangirl when it comes to Andy. He also said that if he was straight he would fuck Maria Brink. Me and Kenny take pictures on the carpet together. Dan couldn't make it tonight because he was sick.

Once I'm done taking pictures with Kenny I grab Dallons hand. We pose for a few of the cameras. Dallon is definitely panicking. I turn and kiss him. Dallon pulls away and says, "They're taking pictures of us." "And?" I ask pulling him open to reconnect or lips. When We get done kissing we get pulled off to the side of the carpet for interviews. They all ask about Dallon which I proudly say that he's my boyfriend. Some reporters ask Dallon about him getting sent to prison. I interrupt saying, "Wow you really do your research. You must feel proud about Yourself. And, you must also know the answer to that question. So how bout you ask him something that people won't find when they type his name into google."

After we get through the endless interviews we head into the building to take our seats. Melanie and Halsey are sitting a few seats away from us. They squeal when they see Dallon. They ask him a ton of questions. I thought we were done with interviews. More people start filing into the building. Fall Out Boy is sitting behind us. Me and Pete are talking until the show starts.

Half way through the show Andy starts talking about something. "Music saves peoples lives am I right?" Andy asks. The audience cheers. "The well the musicians that write these songs don't always know how to save their own lives. They put so much energy into helping others that they forget to help themselves, even If it means letting someone that hurt them continue to do it," Andy says. The audience cheers once again. What is he talking about.

"One of the artists nominated tonight knows exactly what I'm talking about. One of his loved ones released this video to be shown tonight so that the proper actions will be taken tonight," Andy says. I squeeze Dallons hand very tight. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Andy continues talking. "The network does not support any of the actions made in this video. We blurred out certain body parts because this is a family show. That being said viewers discretion is advised," Andy says.

He plays the video.

"Jon shut up and record."

I get up and run out of the room. Dallon follows me "Wait!" he says. "Is that what you've been planning with the producers all morning!" I yell. I don't wait for him to answer before yelling at him again, "I get that you're new to this fame thing but that video is going to be all over the internet! I'm going to be harassed for that! People are going to say this was my fault!" I hear crying behind me. I turn around to see Pete crying.

"Why didn't you tell me they did that to you! Brendon! You were almost killed and you let me believe it was just some kinky sex gone wrong? What's the worst thing that would've happened? Really Brendon! He could've come back! I just sat there and did nothing! If you would've died I would've blamed myself!"

I can't even think straight right now. They are right I should've told. If Dallon didn't do what he did tonight I probably would've never turned in the tape. I guess I should stop trying to push my problems off on other people because in a way I did this to myself. I apologized to both Dallon and Pete. I give them both a hug when Kenny runs out to us. He's out of breath and says, "B-Brendon P-Panic! W-Won music video," Kenny gasps for air, "of th-the year." Oh my god. I actually won I walk back into the room. Everyone is on their feet clapping for me. I accept the award and thank My fans, everyone who was apart of making that song, then I thank Dallon and Pete for being there for me in my darkest time and Patrick because Pete makes him put up with my dumbass.

I walk off stage and am hugged by Andy. "You are so strong. Don't let the haters get to you because you have survived through much worse," he says. "Thank you," I say. "If you need somewhere to run away to me and Juliet would love to help you out," He says. "Thank you, but I think I'm going to be fine now," I say. I look over at Dallon who is talking to Maria Brink backstage. That goof. I love him so much.

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