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*G Note Warning*

Brendon's POV:

I open my eyes and look at the clock. It's only 4:15 am, why am I awake so earlier? I look over at Dallon. He's still sound asleep. He looks so adorable when he's sleeping. I climb out of bed being careful not to wake Dal. I open the door. The hallway is empty and all the lights in the house are still off. I must be the only one awake. I quietly walk to the bathroom. I swear their guest bathroom looks like my master bathroom at my place. I will never get over how beautiful their house is.

I use the toilet. As I leave the bathroom and head back to my room I here noices coming from Gerards room. I knock on the door and slowly begin to open it. I see Gerard sitting on the floor with papers scattered around the floor in front of him. "Hey what's up Gee?" I ask. "N-Nothing I just can't seem to get this song to be perfect. It's for Mikey and, and I just don't want to mess it up," Gerard says.

"Can I read it? I mean I do have expirience with songwriting," I ask. Gerard hands me the song. I skim through it. "I have no idea what you're talking about this song is amazing," I say, "I'll be right back, don't move." I leave his room and go to Pete and Patrick's in house studio. I grab a guitar, then make my way back to Gerard's room. "What's that for?" He asks. "Well I'm going to play the song and you're going to sing it," I say.

"Brendon I can't," Gerard argues. "You can and you will. Hand me the guitar parts," I say. Gerard hands me the paper. He's very hesitant to start. I just play the beginning over and over until he joins in. "Come on I'm getting really tired of playing this G note," I tell him. "S-Sorry," he stutters before he begins singing,

"When I was a young boy

My father took me into the city

To see a marching band

He said, son, when you grow up

Would you be the savior of the broken

The beaten, and the damned?

He said, will you defeat them

Your demons and all the non-believers?

The plans that they have made?

Because one day I'll leave you

A phantom to lead you in the summer

To join the black parade

When I was a young boy

My father took me into the city

To see a marching band

He said, son, when you grow up

You will be the savior of the broken

The beaten, and the damned?

Sometimes I get the feeling

She's watching over me

And other times I feel like I should go

And through it all

The rise and fall

The bodies in the streets

And when you're gone, we want you all to know

We'll carry on, we'll carry on

And though you're dead and gone, believe me

Your memory will carry on

We'll carry on

And in my heart I can't contain it

The anthem won't explain it

A world that sends you reeling

From decimated dreams

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