if I can live through this I can do anything

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*This part reminded me so much of Fall Out Boy's Champion music video. Anyway this is the end. tell me if you want sequel or not I think It would be cool to write one*

Brendon's POV:

"Brendon can you explain to the class how this game works?" Mr. Weekes asks me. "Well um... It's kind of like virtual reality. Except instead of running around in a game, you are running around in your dreams. For example if you ever wished your dreams were real this game will put you in that dream. If you can survive the game then you should try to make your dreams come to life. But, If you get game over that means that you dreams are unrealistic. You can actually feel things in the game. So if you get killed that is a very painful game over to get.

You can be in the game for years. But, once you take off the headset you remember exactly how long you've been playing for. A year in the dream is a minute in the game. I was in the game for 22 minutes so I was In my dream for twenty to years. Let me warn you guys once. When you start the game you can't stop until its game over or you win. It's okay because you won't realize it was a game until you get game over. Are there any questions?" I asked after explaining how the game I invented worked.

A kid in back raised his hand. "Yes?" I asked. "What did you dream about? and did you win or get game over?" He asked. "Good question I dreamed about what would happen If I dated a teacher. I got game over. Any other questions?" I asked. "I have a question," Mr. Weekes asked. "Yes?" I asked. He got up and started walking towards me. "What if I have the same dream as someone and they got game over but I won?" He asks walking closer to me very seductively.

Mr. Weekes grabs my hair pulling my head backwards. I puts his lips on mine. He kisses me with so much lust and passion. He lifts me onto his desk and pulls down my pants to expose me. He goes down on me in front of every body in the room. I'm so hard that I don't care who's watching. Mr. Weekes lets me down and bends me over his desk. He fucks me from behind thrusting his huge cock into me. I moan out loudly in pleasure.

Mr. Weekes pulls out then thrusts back in hitting my prostate. Once he finds it he picks up the pace. "Fuck! Mr. Weekes I'm going to c-" I come all over his desk then he came inside of me. "Dammit you are so fucking tight Urie!"


Dallon's POV:

I'm panting as I take the headset off I just came in my pants. Breezy walks in the room and tells me that dinner is ready. "I'll be down in a sec babe I'm just finishing up grading papers," I say. she leaves the room. I grab the pile of home work out of my bag and set it in my lap. I'm staring at Brendon's paper. "You could get me into so much trouble kid," I whisper under my breath.

I go down stairs to join my wife and children for dinner. I mean what harm would I be doing If I fucked Brendon. It's just a casual affair.

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