I'm not okay, trust me

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*If you're an MCR fan you're going to hate me. I hate my self a little too. trigger warning: mentions of suicide, self harm, bullying, abuse*

Brendon's POV:

Me and Dallon log out of twitter and head to Mastro's Steakhouse in Beverly Hills for our date.

And, no we weren't actually having sex while on twitter

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And, no we weren't actually having sex while on twitter. It was so hilarious at the time because of how much Pete over reacted. We explained our tweets to the fan on Snapchat while we were driving to Mastro's. Mastro's is huge. I've been here a few times with the band before. Dallon has never been anywhere this expensive so I knew I had to take him.

I got us a table on the roof. I wanted Dallon to see the view of Beverly Hills's skyline at night time. He keeps insisting that he is going to pay for his own food, but when he sees the menu I know he'll want me to pay. the cheapest thing on the menu is $9.00 and the most expensive thing is $99.00. I know he's going to try to by something that costs $9.00 but I swear to god if he does that I will purposely order the Double Cut Porterhouse. That is the $99.00 food item.

We pull up to the place and Dallon is in awe of what he sees. "W-We don't h-have to e-eat here. We could just go to t-taco bell or something," Dallon stutters. "No! We are eating here and you will be happy or I am going to tie you up and drag you inside," I says as I grab Dallon's hand and pull him in side. When we walk inside the hostess grins at me. "Brendon right this way," she says. "Thank you Sarah," I say.

"And your date tonight?" she asks looking at Dallon. Dallon reaches out and shakes her hand while introducing himself. "Well I hope you two enjoy your meals your waiter will be out soon to take your orders," Sarah say, smiling as she heads back downstairs to the host stand. I pull out my phone and take a picture of Dallon staring out at the city lights. He doesn't even realize I took a picture until he looks over to see what I'm doing.

I posted the picture on Instagram and wrote, "He may think that view is pretty, but mine is better." Dallon bushes and tries to hide his face. Just then the waiter walks up to our table to take our order. "Brendon!" the waiter says in shock. I assume he's just a fan. I turn to look at him and realize that I was completely wrong.


Mikey grabs my arms and Gerard and Frank grab my legs. The older kids drag me to the janitors closet. Gerard has a knife in his hand. He laughs, "I wonder how the school would feel if this little faggot was dead?"

"Woah I didn't agree to this. You said we were going to beat him up not kill him," Mikey says. "We won't get caught! Chill the fuck out Mike! We're gonna make it look like he killed himself. Now Frank did you bring the Xanax?" Gerard asks. Frank pulls out the pill bottle. a wicked grin spread across Gerard face. He bends down, bring the knife closer to my arm. 

I try screaming but Ray is covering my mouth. Gerard makes a giant gash in my left arm. This keeps going on until Mikey stops him, "that's enough I think that will kill him." "Xanax!" Gerard says raising a hand to grab the bottle from frank. I've lost so much blood already that I'm too tired to fight. Gerard pours the pills in my mouth then water. Ray covers my mouth once more so that I don't try spitting it out or throwing it up.

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