Whether near or far I am always yours

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Dallon's POV:

It feels so weird being out of prison. There's no one yelling at me, telling me what to do and when to do it. The world has changed so much in the past five years. I pull my concert ticket out of my bag. It's in row 6, center stage. I wanted to get as close to Brendon as I could. I feel like such a fangirl because I went out and bought a shirt with Brendons face on it. What can I say I'm in love with him and haven't been able to see him in so long.

I wear really tight skinny jeans and style my hair the way I had it before I was arrested. I call a cab to come pick me up around three so I can get myself a good spot in line. The gates open at five so It will be a two hour wait. Then when I get into my seat it will be another two hour wait. Twenty One Pilots goes on stage at 7:00 pm and finish at 8:30 pm. Fall Out Boy goes on at 9:00 pm and finish at 10:30 pm. Panic! At The Disco goes on at 11:00 pm and finish at 1:00 am.

1:00 am was the time everything I've known in my life had changed. Now 1:00 am is going to be the time my life goes back to normal. I'm so excited to how far my students have come with their music. I mean I feel like the best music teacher ever when I think how many of my students are famous and successful.

Brendon's POV:

"Pete I don't think I'm going to be able to do this," I say nervously. "You've done this before, you can do it again. If you start getting nervous just look at us we will be back stage the whole time," Pete says. They had just finished performing their set and I was on in five. Dan and Kenny do warm ups. I Just keep pacing back and forth. I peek out and stare at the crowd. There are tons of people out there. Tons of eyes on me staring. They will notice something is wrong.

The fans happiness is more important then mine. The fans happiness is more important then mine. The fans happiness is more important then mine. I repeat that phrase until I'm told that It's time to go on stage. There are tons of phones and cameras pointing at me. Time to put on my happy face for the fans. "How is everybody tonight!" I shout. People cheer. I fake a laugh and tell them how "amazing" they are.

This concert feels like it's lasting forever. I just want to go home and curl up into a ball. I just want Dallon. The next song I'm about to sing is one I wrote while I was in the hospital and Dallon was protecting me from my parents. It's called The End Of All Things. "This next song I wrote about a friend of mine along time ago without him I wouldn't be here today," I say.

Dallon's POV:

When I hear Brendon say that I know deep down inside that it is me he was talking about. He starts playing and I cry. I see his eyes get watery. I just want to go up there and hold him. It has been way too long. It's not like anything will happen that didn't already happen in prison. I try to run up to the stage but Brendons body guard Zack grabs me. He pulls me out of the arena. Brendon is singing this high notes that I had no idea he was capable of doing. I can't let Zack take me away from him.

"BRENDONNNNNNNN!" I scream at the top of my lungs trying to be louder than anyone in here.

Brendon's POV:

I hear somebody scream my name. I look up and see Zack carrying someone away. It takes a minute for my eyes to adjust when I recognize the person Zach Is dragging away. My heart stops. I stop singing and yell, "STOP ZACK!" he turns and looks at me confused why I just told him to stop carrying away the guy that tried to run to me.

Pete is staring at me back stage, wondering what's going on. "BRING HIM BACK HERE!" I cry. Zack lets him go. Dallon runs up on stage towards me. I run into his arms. Dallon picks me up and kisses me. The crowed "awes" at us. I tune everyone out and stare into my loves eyes. "When did you get out?" I ask. "Today," He says whipping a tear out of my eyes. "I've never stopped thinking about you," I say. "Me neither," he say, placing another kiss to my lips.

I play the piano track for The End Of All Things, grab my microphone and sing to Dallon,

"Whether near or far

I am always yours

Any change in time

We are young again

Lay us down

We're in love



In these coming years

Many things will change

But the way I feel

Will remain the same

Lay us down

We're in love



Dallon's POV:

After the song I'm brought back stage. "Oh my god Dallon you have the best timing," Pete says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Brendon literally could not stop thinking about you. He blamed himself for Your arrest. Last night he tried to kill himself. He could barely get through this concert. I swear if you didn't show up tonight this would've probably been his last show, but now look at him. He can't stop smiling," Pete says.

I feel so terrible. None of this was his fault. After the show Zack comes up and apologizes to me. "It's fine you were just doing your job. I think I would've been mad if you didn't pull me away because then I would be worried that you were doing a bad job at protecting my boyfriend," I say. "So what's the story with you. Why does everyone know you but not me. When were you and Brendon first together?" Zack asks.

"I was um.. Their music teacher in high school. I met Brendon before I knew he was going to be my student and before I knew he was still a minor. We were together for a little over four months when he overdosed. I called the police and got arrested. I Just got out of prison today. I wanted to find Brendon before it was too late," I say. "So then how old are you?" Zack asks. "I'm 31," I say. "Well then I hope you know what you're getting yourself into.

A lot can change in five years. You guys will have all eyes on you, and trust me when I say people have probably already found your mugshot and know that you are a registered sexoffender," Zack said. "Wow Zack you really know how to give people a warm welcome," Tyler laughs. "It's my job to be an asshole to any new person Brendon introduces me to. You know just to make sure they won't crack under the pressure and make Brendon look bad," Zack say.

"I swear to god Zack if you scare Dallon away you will have to put up with the depressed Beebo," Pete says. I don't know why that makes me laugh but one thing is for sure, I will never leave Brendon ever again.

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