a lover on the left a sinner on the right

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Brendon's POV:

1:00 am:

The cops shine the bright flashlight in my face. I squint my eyes. I can't see anything. All I can hear are the endless questions and the sound of police sirens going off. "What's Your name?" "Have you been drinking tonight?" "How old are you?" "Are you high?" "Do you know where you are?" "Do you know Dallon Weekes?" "Is he your music teacher?" "Do you know how old he is?" "How long have the two of you been having sexual intercourse?" "Are you okay?" "We are going to have to take you into the station alright?" "Calm down, you're going to be okay. I think he needs an ambulance!"

18 hours earlier:

I wake up wrapped up in Dallons arms. I miss being able to hold him without a giant cast getting in the way. I roll on top of Dallon and start kissing him. His eyes flutter open. "Mmm" Dallon moans. "Wake up. It's the last day of school before spring break," I say. "You are way to happy about this. What are you planning on doing to me," Dallon asks. "Well I plan on taking you as my date to Fall Out Boys spring break party at Josh Duns house," I say smiling like a little kid.

I climb off of Dallon and go to get dressed. I wear the lavender jacket that Dallon gave me as a get well gift. I wear that jacket everywhere now. I also put on the tightest pair of skinny jeans I owned. I can't say girls don't still try giving me there number. The guys that used to hate me respect me now. I don't know If it's because I'm friends with Fall Out Boy or that they think since I don't have on a billion casts anymore, that I have a good chance of fighting back.

I met this guy named Brent. He was sitting alone at the lunch table that me and Ryan sat at the first day I moved here. I told him he could sit by us. He told us he could play bass for our band. At this point if we want our band to catch up to Fall Out Boy we will let the first person who asks to join into our band and that was Brent.

Present time:

The lights in the hospital are so bright. I think I'm going to go blind. I hear people talking about me from outside the room. "His name is Brendon Urie. He is 17 and was found passed out at a party. The man that called for help was apparently his boyfriend. He was also 26 years old. When we arrived Brendon was up and breathing fine. We started asking him questions when we noticed he wasn't paying any attention. He stopped breathing and started seizing. We think It was something he may have taken that is causing this." that's all I could hear before feeling freezing cold hands touching me. And, I couldn't move.

10 hours earlier:

As soon as the final bell rings I meet up with Josh, Tyler, and Brent and ride with them to Josh's house. Melanie is riding here with her girlfriend Halsey. Ryan is picking up Spencer. Pete, Patrick, Andy, and Joe are all arriving together once they get their instruments. Josh thought it would be a good idea to charge people who weren't friends with us to come in and watch Fall Out Boy perform.

I text Dallon and tell him that he can show up whenever he gets done with work. There will be so much people here and the room will be so dark that no one will see that he's here. They won't care that He's here either. They will all be paying attention to Fall Out Boy and telling Pete and Patrick to make out. I don't know why but I find that to be so funny. Josh pulls out his stash of weed. Melanie bought a shit load of beer using her parents credit card. Now this is really going to be a party.

Present time:

I don't know why I can't move or can't see but I don't like it. I can't stop thinking about what is happening to Dallon right now. I just want him by my side. He's the only person that knows how to calm me down. He didn't do anything wrong. I hear my heart monitor going off. The doctors rip open my shirt. everyone steps back "Clear!" he puts the paddles on my chest and the machine beeps. Wasn't that supposed to hurt? I'm fully conscious right now right? "lets do it again charge it back up. He sets the paddles back down on my chest. "Clear!" I can hear the heart monitor go back to a steady beat. "Thank you everybody," the doctor says placing a hand on my shoulder, "You are not leaving us tonight kid. It is not your time. You have so much to live for. I know you may be scared but you will pull through this."

3 hours earlier:

It's ten o'clock and I still can't find Dallon anywhere. Every time I seem to be getting anxious somebody walks by handing me a drink. I don't know what they put in it but what ever it was it helps to calm me down. Fall Out Boy is already playing. It will take me forever to find Dallon with all of these people.

I eventually give up and sit next to these people who seem to be shooting up something that I've never seen before. "Want some?" someone asks me sticking a needle out in front of my face, "N-No thanks," I say. "Come on you look stressed. forget what those other people try to give you. This shit right here will really help you relax," the girl holding the needle says. "Fuck it," I say giving in to them.

They were right though. I really am relaxed and not long after that I see Dallon walk up to me. He helps me stand up. I stumble forward a little bit. "What did you do baby?" he asks looking at my arm. "I don't know but it helped," I say. "Let's go get you to lay down somewhere," Dallon says he leads me up to Josh's room. He leaves for a little bit then comes back with a glass of water. He makes me drink the water even though I want to do something else right now. something I've been waiting to do all day.

Present time:

I blink a couple times until I realize that I can actually see again. My head is killing me though. If I move my head slightly I know I will throw up. "Good morning Brendon my name is Whoopi. I'm your nurse for the morning, how are you feeling?" she asks. "Like I'm going to throw up, Like I want to kill myself, like my heart has just been ripped out of my chest, oh and did I say like I wanna kill myself, because I really wanna kill myself right now. I just ruined the life of the person that saved mine because I'm a fucked up emotional little kid that took way too much drugs one night."

Dallon's POV:

1:00 am:

Brendon pushes away the cup of water and pulls me on top of him. Oh god why am I letting him do this. I should be the adult and tell him to stop but I just can't. Brendon pulls down my pants and starts giving me a blow job. I really can't argue with him on this one. I flip him over and pull his pants and boxers down too. I take him from behind, doggy style. I thrust myself Into him. I gotta say that this is probably the best he's ever made me felt. It's most likely do to the drugs but the fact that now I know what he's capable of.

After we both come we pull our pants back up and lay on the bed together. I tell Brendon how much I love him. We lay in silence for what feel like to long. I sit up and look at Brendon. His eyes are rolled to the back of his head. He's not breathing so I start to panic. I call 911 and tell them that I think my boyfriend overdosed on drugs.

When the police get here I tell them what happened. The officer shakes Brendon and he wakes up. I gasp. Tears are streaming down his face he asks Brendon simple questions about what happened here tonight, then he starts asking questions about me and him. I can see Brendon starting to freeze up then he starts having a seizer.

"Brendon!" I cry. Get him out of here the officer with Brendon says to the officer standing by me. "No!" I cry, "I need to know if he's okay!" The officer tackles me to the ground. He hand cuffs me and begins reading me my Miranda rights. the paramedics rush into the room as I'm being walked out. Brendons friends all watch me as I'm getting arrested. They all make triangle with their hands, which means the emo trinity is praying for me.

When we get to the station The officers take my finger prints then my mugshot and put me on the sexoffenders list. I'm stuck in this small disgusting cell for the next 72 hours until I go to court for my sentencing. I climb up on top of this freezing cold metal bunk bed. There's only one mattress. It's not comfortable at all but It's better than the metal bunk. The guy sleeping bellow me has the mattress so I'm fucked.

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