sexy, dirty, huh?

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*this my longest part so far. I hope you like it. I'm trying not to use trigger warnings anymore. I mean I said it was mature for a reason. But since I'm already typing I will give a smut warning and a trigger warning: Sexual and Physical abuse, mention of suicide*

Dallon's POV:

I'm laying in bed watching as Brendon strips down to his boxers. God, nothing has changed. I mean we are both a lot older than we used to be. I'd I'm in Brendons house instead of him being at mine. Who am I kidding this isn't a house it's a mansion. The place is literally whiter than The White House. It looks so clean, Untouched, big, and fancy. Brendon said that it wouldn't look this nice if he didn't have a house keeper. Are you kidding me this kid is only 22 and he can afford a house keeper.

When I was 22 I was still in college. I was taking teaching classes for math and music. I was living off or ramen noodles and mac & cheese. If I knew I'd be sleeping in my world famous boyfriends mansion, I'd call you a fucking liar. But here I am, drooling over the Brendon Urie. My Brendon Urie. All the prison guards thought I was crazy when I told them that I was in there because of Brendon. I can just imagine their faces now.

Brendon climbs into bed and curls up next to me. "What are you thinking about Dally?" Brendon asks, wiping a stray hair out of my face. "How lucky I am to have you with me again," I say looking over at Brendon. I place a kiss on his lips. "Oh I forgot to ask you this," Brendon pauses. "Me and the guys are all going to be going to the APMAs tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to go as my date?" Brendon asks.

"Um I don't know I'm not really good in front of cameras," I say. "Come on you won't even have to talk. They will be more focused on me anyway. I just want to confirm our relationship. I want everyone to know who the man I love is. I want to tell them I'm taken. That I'm yours," Brendon begs while giving me his signature puppy dog eyes. "Okay you've sold me, but I have nothing to wear," I say. "That's why I'll set you up with my stylist. He will know exactly what you should wear," Brendon says.

"You don't have to do that for me," I say. "Oh but I do. When the interviewer asks us what we're wearing you are not gonna say a suite that you bought at Walmart," Brendon says. "Okay fine but when I get enough money I'm paying you back," I say. "Okay I'll put it on your tab," Brendon says turning away from me. "Wait I have a tab?" I ask, "What's on it?" He rolls back over to me and starts listing things that his fans would have to pay for, "Backstage passes, car rides, eating my food, living in my house. I usually don't charge friends and family for that stuff, but if you really want to pay me back that's your list." Brendon grins.

"How bout I pay you back like this," I say as I pull Brendon as close to me as possible. Our lips connect and then Brendon pulls away. "Are you trying to turn me into a prostitute?" Brendon asks. I go in for another kiss then pull away. I run my hand down Brendons back. I slip my hand into Brendons boxers and squeeze his ass. Brendon moans. "I don't know? Why, is it working?" I ask. "Y-Yes," Brendon stuttered. "Is there something you need me to do?" I ask. Brendon wastes no time. He moves my hand from his ass to his throbbing cock.

"Damn Breny you got hard fast," I say as I slowly start to pump his cock. I can tell Brendons been holding it in all day. I pull Brendons boxers down to reveal Brendons ragging erection. I star to kiss the tip of his dick. I go down to his base and lick my way back up to the tip. Brendon bucks his hips forward. I take It as a sign that he wants me to go down on him, so I finally take his dick in my mouth. I start out slow but Brendon is moaning for me to go faster. As I'm deep throating his cock I feel myself getting hard as a rock.

I start jacking myself until Brendon notices. He tells me to stop and tells me that he wants me to fuck him. I obey his orders. I take off my boxers. Brendon hands me a bottle of lube and some hand cuffs. "Woah is this some new kink you haven't told me about?" I ask. "I just thought that it should be my turn to be arrested, and you're really sexy when you're being the dominant one," Brendon says. I don't argue with him on that one.

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