My titles are longer then Brendon Uries forehead

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Dallons POV: 

I cannot seem to get to Brendon's house fast enough. I knew Brendon's dad beat him up last night but I didn't think it was that serious. The message he sent makes me fear for his life. I know as his teacher I shouldn't be doing this right now. I should just call the police, but as his friend I'm going to make sure that no one ever lays a finger on him again.

When I pull up to Brendon's house I hop out of my car and run into his house. I don't bother with knocking on the door because I know Brendon's father is inside and he can't move. When I open the door I see Brendon's blood body laying on the floor. I rush to his side. "Oh my god what did he do to you?" I ask.

"Get me out here I'll explain in car," Brendon says weakly, having trouble forming a proper sentence. I try to pick him up. Tears are streaming down his face. I hate seeing him like this. I carry him to my car. While I'm getting him inside and buckling him up I hear Brendon's father. "Who the hell are-" I hear him say before I climb in the car and speed off down the street.

His father tried to chase us but couldn't keep up. I look over at Brendon who is trying to hide the fact that he's crying. "I'm going to take you to the hospital okay?" I ask. Brendon nods. I feel like a terrible person. Brendon told me what his father did and I got scared. I could've let him stay with me if I wasn't so afraid of getting in trouble.

Once we get to the hospital I help him back out of the car and carry him inside. I walk into the emergency room with him. I don't see anyone. "Help!" I call out, "somebody help us!" I look down and see Brendon shaking. His body feels warm so it must not be because he's cold. "Help!" I call out again.

A nurse and a couple doctors walk in with a gurney. "Set him down honey. We'll take care of him from here," says the nurse. The doctors take Brendon. The nurse stays with to talk to me. "What's your relation to?" "Brendon. I'm his-" I pause. I was about to say teacher but I can't do that. Especially this late at night. Somebody would think something is up. 

"Boyfriend." I nothing else I could do but say that. If Brendon was of age and not my student, that's what he would be. Even though I'm scared of getting caught with him I really do like him. "Do you know what happened tonight?" Asks the nurse. "His Father beat him. I don't know how but I know that's what happened," I say. 

The nurse nods and writes down what I told her then clicks her pen shut. "Look your boyfriend is probably going to be in there for a long time based on the condition he's in so I recommend that you go home, probably take a shower and change your clothes. I think it might be a little creepy if you're walking around covered in blood," the nurse says.

I look down to see that I am covered in blood. I look like I just got down murdering an entire family. It hurts knowing that all of this blood belongs to Brendon. I do what the nurse suggested and drive home to clean up and put on a new change of clothes. I also pick up some McDonald's on the way back to the hospital.

I don't know how long I've been waiting but it feels like forever. I don't remember falling asleep but the nurse shakes me awake. He lost a lot of blood, he has three broken ribs, a broken arm, a broken foot, a broken ankle, a broken leg, a concusion, and is going blind in his right eye but that can be fixed if he makes an appointment to see the eye doctor. Other then the he's fine and should be good to go.

Do you have any questions?" The nurse asks. "No, but is something going to be done about his father?" I ask. "The cops have already been sent for beating his son with a metal bat. What happens from there is out of my control," she says. A metal bat? I was sitting at home grading papers while Brendon's father was beating him with a bat. This make my stomach upset.

The nurse gets Brendon. He has a cast on his right arm, a cast on his left leg which I'm guessing is also for his ankle and foot, he has a wrap around his torso, and his right eye is red. He is covered in bruises. It hurts to see him like this. I walk over to Brendon. "I'm so sorry I let you go back to your place. I could have prevented this," I say. A tear rolls down my cheek.

"It's okay I'll be fine. We should probably start getting to school," Brendon says. "Shit! I haven't been paying attention to that. We need to leave like right now so that no one sees us arrive together," I say. "You don't have to drive me I can just get a ride with a friend," Brendon says. "No! I'm not leaving you here alone, just ride with me it will be fine," I say.

Brendon doesn't argue. We arrive to school five minutes before everyone else. I head straight to my class room while Brendon waits for his friends in the hallway. I know he's going to get a lot of weird stares because he's still wearing his shirt that's covered in blood and he's practically a walking body cast. If anyone makes fun of him in my class it's going to be an automatic detention.

Once class starts I see Brendon in the back talking to Tyler. Tyler looks sad talking to Brendon then they both look up at me. I blush and look away. When the bell rings I start to teach the class but I can't stay focused. What did Brendon tell him that made them look at me. I here someone laugh and that snaps me out of my train of thought. I here somebody else say serial killer under they're breathe.

"Taylor is there something you'd like to tell the class!" I ask a bit too angry. "Huh? Um no Mr. Weekes," she says smiling and twirling her finger in her hair. That fucking pisses me off. I hate when girls try to flirt with me. They are here to learn and I'm gay. "Then I guess you should tell the principal when you go in for detention at lunch time," I say, "and if anyone else has a rude comment or joke to make about your peers you can got detention too.

I will not allow you guys to bully people while in this class room. Be sure to share that with your friends too. Now where was I?" I say. Brendon is staring at me in utter shock. I feel like I'm being an over protective boyfriend. Even though we aren't together yet I still feel that way. Did I just say yet? Jesus that boy has me whipped. As soon as the bell rings I stop Brendon.

"Yes Mr. Weekes?" Brendon asks. "What were you and Tyler talking about earlier," I ask. "What do you mean earlier? When?" Brendon asks. "When you guys looked up at me," I say. "Is there something wrong with students looking at their teacher?" He asks.  "Come on Bren don't play stupid what did you say?" I ask again, realizing that I called Brendon Bren.

"They already Know," Brendon sighs. "They? What do they know?" I ask. Brendon shuts the door so nobody from my next hour can come in. "Me, Tyler, Ryan, Melanie, Pete, and Patrick went to Josh's house last night. We all got high and they wanted to know the story behind this!" Brendon says pulling up his sleeve to reveal multiple scars scattering his left arm. 

I look at his arm in horror. He tells me what happened to him then says that while he told them that story he also told them that he had sex with me and I didn't want him. "I'm so sorry I made you feel that way. I could never hate you. I just wanted to make sure that we wouldn't get in trouble. If you were of age and not my student I would've loved to date you.

Brendon cries on my shoulder. The bell rings and people are banging on the door. I pull away from Brendon and tell him to come back to my classroom after school. I go to write Brendon a late pass. When I hand it to him he pulls back into his arms he tugs at my shirt. I lean down and kiss him. Students outside the door are still knocking. I pull away from Brendon again and tell him that I think he should go now.

When I open the door I say to Brendon, "I hope that helps you solve the problem." I apologize to my class. They take their seats and I start the lesson. This is why teachers shouldn't date students. Not only is it illegal, but it's distracting. I can't take my mind off of Brendon and his full lips. 

I can't stop think about what we did two nights ago. How good he made me feel. Man those lips can do wonderful things. And that ass. God was he tight. I really need to stop think about him like this. I need to stop thinking about him altogether. I sit down behind my desk and have the students do work out of their work books.

I can't risk standing in front of them with a boner.

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