the characters control the story not the author

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*Haha back with the long ass title. I have started new story and I'm going to start something else that is a surprise, so I'm ending this one. there is going to be one last part after this*

Brendon's POV:

yesterday was the best day of my life. I really don't want to wake up. When I open my eyes it will officially be the next day. I know I have to though. Me and Dallon can start planning our wedding today. I open my eyes and it is so fucking bright in here my eyes are burning. I can hear the sound of machines beeping. I open my eyes to see that I'm in a hospital bed. Cops are standing in the corner of the room. Where the hell am I? What happened.

"Oh Brendon you're awake me and officer Frank are here to get your statement on the video of you and Mr. Weekes," Officer Richie says. "What are you talking about? Where am I and how did I get here?" I ask him panicking. "Calm down you're in the hospital a boy at school named Ryan stabbed you and you passed out," Officer Frank says.

I look down and notice bandages on my stomach. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, this was just a dream," I start crying and pulling tubes out of my arms. The officers try to calm me down. They call the nurse into the room to hook me back up to the tubes but I refuse to let her. I run out of the room. I look around the building trying to find an exit.

I run to Dallon's house. This isn't real. No, Fuck! I wipe the tears from my eyes. I get to Dallon's house. His car is in the driveway. Thank god he hasn't been taken into custody yet. I bang on his door. He opens up the door. "Oh my god Brendon! What are you doing here? The cops are going to be coming to question me. If they see you here I could end up in jail for years," he says. "I know, five years. I've already lived through all of this," I cry. "If I go home I'm going to get beat to death because you won't be there to stop my dad.

You won't help Fall Out Boy get noticed. You won't find me at the concert, and we won't get engaged. Which is why I want to run away with you," I cry. "Woah slow down what are you talking about?" Dallon asks. "I don't have time to explain. Pack your things, get in the car, and I'll explain then," I say. Dallon starts packing. We get into his car and drive as far from Las Vegas as possible.

The ride has been one giant awkward silence. By the time we get to Utah Dallon asks me what that was back there. "I honestly don't know. I remember being stabbed but I woke up in your bed. It was the morning after our one night stand. I was confused. I thought I just had a very realistic dream-" Dallon interrupts me. "Wait this happened while you were passed out right?" he asks. "I don't honestly know anymore, just keep listening.

You didn't want to get involved with me because you were scared of getting caught. That night I got high with a group of people from school. I went home and my dad almost beat me to death, but I texted you and you came to get me. you let me stay with you. You gave up on hiding the way you felt about me. We started dating. My friends knew about us," I say.

"Okay pause your story lets get some food," Dallon says as he pulls into a McDonald's parking lot. Me and Dallon get out of the car to eat. We sit in a corner booth just incase we get spotted. "So I'm planning on ditching my car, probably get it impounded. Then buying a new car. so we don't get spotted on the interstate. Okay?" Dallon asks me. "Okay," I agree. our hands are interlocked on the table. He pulls my hand towards his and kisses it.

"I will do what ever it takes to protect my prince," he says. I blush. I can't believe how lucky I am to have him. Even with all this trouble I've gotten him into, he only cares that I'm safe. I really don't deserve him. whether I was dreaming or not, I'm still going to marry this man. We finish up eating then head back onto the road.

I continue my story, "You started teaching music because the music teacher was fired. Pete Wentz, Patrick Stumph, Joe Trohman, and Andy Hurley started a band called Fall Out Boy. You helped the whole school notice them by playing there music in your class. for spring break-" I say before getting cut off. "Damn you really did dream far off into the future," Dallon says in shock.

"Just you wait," I said. Dallon pulled up to the impound. The men took his car. We grabbed our things out and bought a new car that looks nothing like Dallon's old car. We continue our drive through Wyoming. We stopped at a motel for the night. It feels so nice being curled up in Dallon's arms again. I can't believe I have to live through five years all over again. As long as Dallon by my side for those years, I think I'll be alright.

When I wake up Dallon isn't with me. I start to have a small panic attack, until I hear the shower running. Whew. That's one way to wake a person up. I walk over to the bathroom door. I knock on it and ask Dallon if I can come in. He says yes. When I open the door steam surrounds me. After that I see a soaking wet, fully naked Dallon standing in front of me. "Damn!" slips out of my mouth. God he is so sexy.

"Well are you going to keep staring or are you going to join me?" Dallon asks. I start stripping and Dallon gets back into the shower. I join him. I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his neck. When I hear him moan I know I've hit his sweet spot. I begin to suck and nibble at his neck until it bruises. Dallon turn around and kisses me. I can feel his hard cock pressed against my inner thigh. That makes me let out a load moan. He laughs.

We fucked in the shower, then grabbed our things and got back on the road. I tell Dallon the rest of the story. I don't leave out a single detail. I want him to know how real it was for me. I start to cry at the part about the video. Dallon calms me down telling me it wasn't real. It felt so real in that moment being tied down, raped and shot. A pain shoots up from my stomach. I wince in pain. "Are you okay baby?" Dallon asks with concern in his voice.

"Nothing my stomach just hurts really bad," I say. "Do you need me to do anything?" He asks starting to get worried. "No I'm fine just keep driving babe," I say. Another sting of pain shoots up from my stomach. This time I double over in pain. Dallon pulls the car over to the side of the road. He looks at me. I'm in too much pain to look up at him. Dallon makes me lift up my shirt. My bandages are soaked in crimson red blood.

"Oh baby," Dallon says with tears forming in his eyes. He knows I need to go to the hospital, but we're on the run and if we go people will find out where we are. Dallon looks at me. "I'd rather go to jail then have you bleed to death in my car," Dallon says. "N-No," I shiver. "My parents will f-f-find m-me and k-kill m-m-me," I say. "Are you cold?" Dallon asks as he starts crying. "A-A little b-b-but I'll b-be f-fine," I say shaking. "Brenny It's 94 degrees out and my car isn't on. I'm taking you to the hospital," Dallon says. He starts his car. I'm in no condition to argue with him.

I know one things is for sure if I go to the hospital Dallon will be arrested and my parents will kill me. I don't want to die like that. I'm no longer in pain. My body is just numb. The blood is now seeping through my shirt. "D-Dallon don't s-s-stop. K-Keep d-dr-driving. D-Don't l-let th-them c-c-catch y-you," I try to say as best as I can Dallon looks at me confused. I open the door and jump out of the car.

"BRENDOOOOOOOOOOON!" Dallon screams.I can't really tell what's happening. My body feels like it's being whipped around. Then I feel my body being crushed on impact. As the car hits me every thing goes black.


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