🚪 Chapter Two

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Hanji's POV:

I was on my way out of the office when I noticed the someone was still working hard. Emphasis on hard cause this German boy seems to be enthusiastic doing his work.

"Oh ho ho~ Working overtime, I see.", I teased him. Man, I remember my latter days. No one could even put up with me when it comes to curiosity. I thought of something. An experiment. And I found just the right guinea pig for it.

"Oh, hey~ You won't mind if I come with you on your way home later, right?", I asked him trying my best not to grin, but fails every time.

I saw him typing on his phone.

Does he have someone waiting for him at home?


Since I'm coming or should I say stalk him on his way home, I would see anyway. My lips formed quite a devilish smile. Oops! Got to behave myself or at least, for now?

I went outside and kept myself hidden in the dark. I feel like a shadow ninja!

I'll just sit here and wait for the right time to strike. I sound like a kidnapper now!

I looked at my wristwatch and smirked.


"Let the fun begin...", I whispered as the German boy began locking the front door.

I saw him turn his head, eyes searching for whoever said that... Which was actually me, I feel so fluttered. I don't think he saw me or my face.

I decided to follow him on his way to the parking area. This boy has a rover? I didn't know that. Rich pig. Get ready to get wrecked.

I noticed him driving faster as if being chased by a psycho. Pfft.

As if tailing on him close with just a normal bicycle would count psychotic. Wait or maybe he's reasonable for stepping hard on the pedals for his life?

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