🚪 Special Chapter

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Part One

EREN: (shoving the door of the dining room open) "Maria Cactus Elize Jaeger, why did you hang up??"

CACTUS: (winces at the noise, looks at the door) "Oh sh--darling?"

EREN: (amused) "Did you take too much strawberry again?"

CACTUS: "No. Where's my yoghurt?~"

EREN: (smirking, stomps towards Cactus) "Give me a kiss first."

CACTUS: (blushing deeply, looking away) "Eren!"

EREN: (grinning) "I'm waiting."

CACTUS: "Fine!" (tiptoes and kisses Eren on the nose)

EREN: "The hell was that?" (disappointed)

CACTUS: (chuckles) "A kiss is a kiss. Now, yoghurt is all mine!!"

EREN: "You're mine."

CACTUS: (scanning the paper bags) "Hm?"

EREN: "So what do we have for dinner?"

CACTUS: (notices the pair of toothbrush, as well as the toothpaste and sunblock) "Are you going on an outing?"

EREN: "We. Are."

CACTUS: (surprised) "Eh? We are? How come I didn't know that??"

EREN: "The company's having a beach outing tomorrow for...two days? You're mine, so you're coming with me whether you like it or not."

CACTUS: (blushes) "Oh-h I um okay..."

EREN: (smiling) "I'll just go upstairs and change. I can't wait for dinner."

CACTUS: "Go ahead. We'll eat dinner when you're done."

Part Two

COLA: "Jean?" (on the other end of the phone)

JEAN: "I told you I'm done with the errand--"

COLA: "What errand?" (confused)

JEAN: "Sorry. I was talking to my mom."

COLA: (screechy) "Hi, Mom!"

MOM: (chuckling) "Hi, future daughter in law!"

JEAN: "Mom!"

COLA: "Mom heard me. Am I being too loud?"

JEAN: "You're not. Mom's just too close."

MOM: "That reminds me... Jean-boy, have you told your fiancee about the company outing tomorrow for two happy days?" (stealing the phone from Jean's hand, turning the speaker on)

COLA: "..."

JEAN: "Mom!"

MOM: (teasing) "Also, dear, have I told you that Jean-boy talks about you all the time?"

COLA: "Really?"

JEAN: (blushing deeply, looking down) "T-that's not true, mom."

MOM: "Not true? Then how do we know she mostly eats half of her meal and says she is already full, but is still able to eat large fries dipped on mushroom sauce?" (grinning)

JEAN: "Mom!-" (beat red)

MOM: "-And that she wears a lipstick that has the same shade as Belle's?

COLA: "That's pretty specific."

JEAN: "Mom! I didn't call her to be shamed." (resigned)

MOM: "Too bad then."

COLA: "Yes, shame him, Queen."

MOM: "Dear, my son smells your hair when you're not looking." (to Cola)

JEAN: "Mom..." (embarrassed)

MOM: (ignoring him) "I bet he's thinking about your hair, right now."

JEAN: "Ugh."

COLA: "Well, are you?" (smiles)

JEAN: "Now, I am."

COLA: "So fond."

MOM: "I'm sure my son would be happier if you would come with him tomorrow."

JEAN: "Mother!" (screaming)

COLA: "I wouldn't want to impose-"

MOM: "Nonsense! I'm sure he'd love to have you there."

JEAN: "Mom, stop." (blushing, biting his lip, mumbling)

MOM: "Wouldn't you, Jean-boy?"

JEAN: "I would, but don't pressure her."

MOM: (to Cola) "Only if you are free, Cola."

COLA: "I'll be free. I'll make time." (warm)

JEAN: "You'd come?" (small)

COLA: "I don't have to, but I want to... If you want me there."

JEAN: (giddy) "Yeah! I do."

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