🚪 Chapter Eight

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Cactus Elize's POV:

I saw Shinko with her husband and heard their conversation as I walked towards them.

"Hohoho~ Did you just assume something that Levi would do for you~", I teased. "You look disappointed..."

If there was a laughter meter, I'm guessing mine was ranging from 04% to 99% before blowing into "HAHAHAHA~"

"Cactus?!" Shinko, shinko, shinko... No need to look like you can't believe you're seeing me for real. I know. No need to say it. I'm so awesome.

"It is the real Cactus. The one and only.", I replied as I dragged her to the side of the bus, where we should put our luggages in the compartment.

Shinko asked me why I'm here while she was busy putting her stuff inside.

Hm the weather's too nice today, probably best for me to act nice today.

With that thought, I decided to reply a "Oh, you know... I also own the Survey Corpo~ I'm rich, remember?" ...or maybe that wasn't being nice at all.

She threw me another one of her infamous glares. Seriously, if one day she gets arrested with those eyes, I won't even be surprised.

"Come on! Like you forgot! Wherever Eren is, if possible, I want to tag along.", I said with a shrug.

I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks as I remembered how Eren told me about this beach outing thing. He just went off deciding on his own that I would go with him and who was I to bother even argue? We both know that we want to spend time together more than anyone else.

Levi's serious voice shook me from my thoughts. Damn, that husband of Shinko sure can be stingy.

I climbed up inside the bus and greeted at the familiar faces I see. Be nice today. Be. Nice.

I went to the 3-person seat. Of course, I sat near the window. I felt someone occupy the seat beside me and I was relieved that it was Eren.

Not long after, I saw a figure standing in front of us. It was Shinko, telling me she wants to sit with me. Thankfully, we sat in a 3-person seat. Eren, scooted closer to me as he motioned the empty seat. Um, darling? That wasn't particularly what I was thinking.

Just before I could ask Eren to move the other way, so I could sit in the middle and Shinko could still sit beside me... Shinko kinda asked him to find another seat. I admire her guts. I feel sorry for my darling though.

I think I saw him frown as he moved towards the other end, letting Shinko sit between us. Darling, um...

I heard Shinko ask why we were still aren't going on our way. Darling answered with an annoyed look on his face, "We are waiting for a horse."

Oh darling, you... Still calling Jean, a horse? That's soooo childish, you know?

"Get out, mom!", is that horse? Credits to my husband, jk. His nickname for Jean does come in handy when you find yourself getting pissed. I know he's embarrassed, but he didn't have to yell. That's his mother, you know??

"...get inside already.", Jean said last.

"Pardon the intrusion.", a girl in a dark colored cap whispered.

"Hold on... Those red curls are...", Shinko whispered as she stared at the girl.


"COLA!!!", Shinko and I said in unison. I waved and Cola waved back at us. Eren stood up and let Cola sit with us. What a gentleman. Men should learn from my darling.

I was beginning to wonder when we'll ever get there as I took a look at my wristwatch, it's almost noon. I'm getting hungry.

Good thing, I prepared lunch for Eren and I, last night. I stood up to give Eren his. He thanked me and told me to walk carefully when I return to my sit.

I sat back on my seat and noticed Shinko was asleep. How come I didn't notice?? I won't disturb her cause she'll possibly wake up when she gets hungry.

As I started digging on my lunch, I saw Cola was already eating hers. Hers was from WcRonald's. Shinko woke up and I offered her my lunch. So did Cola. Shinko cheekily smiled as she picked a handful of my pork cutlets and Cola's chicken nuggets.

The whole trip was just filled with darling bickering with Jean at the back. I actually feel bad for Armin. He did try to stop them, but a horse and a suicidal bastard? Only the 'strong' can stop those two. Only an Ackerman can.

Look how a scary, mother-figure smack their heads off like the two weren't guys at all. Levi is their team leader, they can't argue with him when he told them to minimize the noise. I don't know, but I found the whole thing adorably funny.

My eyes scanned the bus, thinking how everyone else are fun. I don't know how I feel about Annie. I hate that rapscallion.

After several hours, we finally reached the sea.

Cola was covered with excitement and ran ahead to the sea. Shinko told me that we should go as well.

"No, thanks. Eren and I would rather...", I pulled Eren and continued, "stay under this tree for shade.", leaving Shinko on her way by herself.

I couldn't help but grin as I whispered how I do not want the two of us to be exposed. Eren let out an awkward laugh as he carries our luggage. We went off to one of the company's reserved room and placed our luggage inside the cabinet.

Oh and having only one luggage sure is handy, now that I think of it...


"Why aren't you still going to our bedroom?", I heard Eren's sleepy voice by the door of the kitchen. I thought he was already sleeping. Maybe he couldn't sleep? He often say that he needs lots and lots of cuddling.

"I'm almost finished preparing our lunch for tomorrow, Darling~", I replied while wrapping the scarf on the other lunch box. Mine is wrapped with a blue scarf and his green.

"Hmm..ph... You're so slow, wife...  I even took the effort of preparing and fixing our luggage up for you to sleep early with me tonight...", he said as he lazily climbed upstairs.

"Hey, wait up!", I yelled as I walked out of the kitchen. He just looked back and went off. "Oh, come on...", I said, pouting as I climbed upstairs.

He left the bedroom door open. I walked in and closed the door. I sat on bed, wondering where he was. And there I saw our luggage, all packed up in a black wheeled case. I stared at it in awe. He even locked it with a pass code.

I felt him hug me from behind as he whispered, "I love you." I could feel myself blush as I carefully arranged the numbers 1, 4 and 3 respectively on the lock.


It opened. I was expecting a huge mess, but it wasn't that bad. It was quite neat. Though, mine and his undergarments were mixed together. Was that intentional?

*end of flashback*

Quite efficient, I must say. I still can't help myself from blushing when I remember him saying those three words. It's not everyday that I hear those words.

He doesn't say those eight letters that often. Not because he doesn't love me anymore, but only because he was afraid that they might lose effect on me and get used to hearing it or at least, that's what he told me before.

Anyway, where is he leading me?

I couldn't help but ask to myself that. He just pulled me out of the room and we've been walking down the shore for minutes now...

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